General-Education Subjects in Physics Programs
In all Physics programs course work from the "General-Education Subjects" complement the Physics education. The minimum required workload from general-education subjects is dependent o the study program and given in the following table:
Study program | minimum CP |
Bachelor’s program Physics started before October 2020 | 4 |
Bachelor’s program Physics started after October 2020 | 3 |
Master’s programs Physics started before October 2018 | 2 |
Master’s programs Physics started after October 2018 | 3 |
Master’s program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics | 4 |
Master’s program Quantum Science & Technology | 4 |
You do not need to take the modules in exactly the semesters in which they are listed in the study plan.
The ECTS credits of successfully finished modules are summed up. The course work "General-Education Subjects" is completed as soon as the sum is 4 CP respectively 3 CP or more. If single modules were graded theses grades are not included in the total grade for the Bachelor’s or Master’s examination. "General-Education Subjects" count to the total credit balance up to 4 CP respectively 3 CP – even if you take more modules from this area (does not apply to M.Sc. BEMP and M.Sc. QST).
Lecture Series "Introduction to Current Aspects of Scientific Research" for Bachelor Students
Students of forth semester in the Bachelor’s program Physics are strongly encouraged to visit the lecture series "Introduction to Current Aspects of Scientific Research". The series gives an overview of scientific areas covered at the Physics Department. Henceforth it substantiates the choice for an area of concentration upcoming in the fifth semester. The module PH0050 Lecture Series "Introduction to Current Aspects of Scientific Research" has a workload of 1 CP. Students thus need to choose at least one other module to obtain the required 4 CP of "Soft Skills" in their studies.
Necessary condition for the CP entry is passing the short written test following the lectures and the registration for the TUMonline exam. Please take the remarks on the lecture organisation given at the first date into account.
Due to the restrictions during the CoViD-19 pandemic during SS 2020 the lecture series takes place as online conference. Live transmission is usually Wednesday at 14. Further information is available in the moodle course (register for the lecture series in TUMonline for access to the moddle course).
Termin | Titel und Informationen |
17.04.2024 | 14:00
Quantum Networks
17.04.2024 | 15:00
24.04.2024 | 14:00
Messen und Rechnen mit Spins
24.04.2024 | 15:00
Theorie funktionalier Energiematerialien
08.05.2024 | 14:00
Kollektive Quantendynamik
08.05.2024 | 15:00
Experimentelle Quanten- und Festkörperphysik am WMI
15.05.2024 | 14:00
15.05.2024 | 15:00
Plasmaphysik und Fusionsforschung
22.05.2024 | 14:00
22.05.2024 | 15:00
Theorie komplexer Biosysteme
29.05.2024 | 14:00
Femtosekundenspektroskopie in der Biophysik
29.05.2024 | 15:00
Exploring the Mysteries of Quantum Matter
05.06.2024 | 14:00
Theorie biologischer Netzwerke
05.06.2024 | 15:00
Nanomechanical Resonators for Sensing, Quantum Technologies and More
12.06.2024 | 14:00
entfällt wegen Sustainability Day |
12.06.2024 | 15:00
entfällt wegen Sustainability Day |
19.06.2024 | 14:00
Is an excitonic Bose Einstein Condensate possible in 2D?
19.06.2024 | 15:00
Direct Dark Matter Search at the MPP
26.06.2024 | 14:00
Weiche Materie
26.06.2024 | 15:00
Magnetization Dynamics in Nanostructures
03.07.2024 | 14:00
Kernphysik und Neutronensterne
03.07.2024 | 15:00
Fragestunde zum Vertiefungsstudium
10.07.2024 | 14:00
Präzisionsmessungen bei extremen Bedingungen
10.07.2024 | 15:00
Quantencomputing mit supraleitenden Schaltkreisen
17.07.2024 | 14:00
Theoretische Teilchenphysik
17.07.2024 | 15:00
Data Science in Physics
General-Education Subjects (including "Soft Skills")
The catalog currently includes the modules listed in the table below (see the curriculum in TUMonline as well).
The catalog is open for additions. Suitable modules not yet contained can be included on short notice. If you would like to take a module not yet included in the catalog please contact Maria Eckholt (room PH 2053, phone -14461) as soon as possible but before exam registration in TUMonline. Please include the module number in your request.
Apart from the classical "soft skills", normally all modules from humanities and social sciences can be included into the catalog of general education subjects for physics students. We cannot include modules when modules with similar content are already part of the curriculum of physics Bachelor or Master programs (e.g. as mandatory module or in the elective catalog of non-physics courses) – hence especially modules from the neighboring sciences (Mathematics, Informatics, Chemistry, Engineering…) are not general education subjects.
Language Courses of the Language Center
In general all language courses of the Language Center can be included in the catalog for "General-Education Subjects" in the Bachelor’s program Physics and the Master’s programs in Physis. German language courses are not possible in the programs taught in German (Bachelor's program and German Physics Master's programs KM, KTA, and BIO) except in rare, well-founded cases.
Currently the following modules of language courses are included in the study programs’ trees in TUMonline. If you would like to take a language course that is not listed here please contact Maria Eckholt (room PH 2053, phone -14461) as soon as possible but before exam registration in TUMonline. If possible please include the module number in your request.
Notes on Credit of Courses from Different Universities
In extraordinary cases credits can be accepted for modules of different universities. Necessary requirement is obviously that the course topic fits into the catalog for General-Education Subjects. Please keep in mind the general notes on Credit of Exams and Course Work and contact Maria Eckholt (room PH 2053, phone -14461) as soon as possible.