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Master program Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics)

Discover the amazing power of physics through its applications! Learn all about lasers, super strong magnets, solar cells, biosensors and more.

Kienberger Lab
Applied and Engineering Physics Master student at state-of-the–art ultrafast laser: investigation of ultrafast processes in atomes, molecules and solids will advance material science, information technology, solar energy harvesting, and bio-medical applications. Foto: TUM.PH Kienberger Lab.

The Master's degree program in Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics) is a two-year international graduate program, designed to give students an insight into current research trends and new developments in modern physics.

Flyer "Master’s in Applied and Engineering Physics at TUM Physics Department" (PDF)

Specialization Areas

Students can specialize in one or more areas of their choice:

  • Applied solid state physics -- including topics such as magnetism, semiconductor physics, applied superconductivity, spin electronics
  • Energy sciences -- including topics such as fuel cells, energy conversion, reactor physics and nuclear technology, nonlinear dynamics and complex systems, renewable energy.
  • Experimental techniques and numerical methods - including topics such as physics with neutrons, modern x-ray physics, advanced materials analysis with synchroton radiation, magnetic measurement methods.
  • High energy physics -- including topics such as particle detectors, particle physics with highest energy particle colliders, computational physics, data analysis and Monte Carlo methods.
  • Medical engineering -- including topics such as image processing in physics, biomedical physics.
  • Nanosciences -- including topics such as nanosystems, nanomaterials, nanostructured soft materials, surface and nanoscale science.
  • Plasma physics -- including topics such as plasma physics, fusion research, kinetic plasma physics, magneto hydrodynamics, turbulence in neutral fluids and plasmas.
  • Soft matter science -- including topics such as polymer physics, nanostructured soft materials.
  • Science of light -- including topics such as quantum optics, ultrafast physics and attosecond science, various light sources from infrared to X-rays, optoelectronics, ultra cold quantum gases.

A mentor can give you advice in choosing the specific courses. If you are interested in a given research area, it may be helpful to choose a mentor working in it (e.g. see the lecturers of the courses).

Typical Study Program

The study program of the first year of studies can be organized individually, find a general description of the curriculum on a seperate page.

The following study programs show examples of how the first year of the Master's degree program Applied and Engineering Physics could look like.

Applied Solid State Physics

Theoretical Physics
PH1007 Continuum Mechanics WS 10
Special Courses
PH2033 Magnetism WS 5
PH2155 Semiconductor Physics WS 10
PH2157 Applied Superconductivity: Josephson Effects, Superconducting Electronics and Superconducting Quantum Circuits SS 10
PH2034 Spin Electronics SS 5
Student Seminar, Advanced Lab Course and Non-Physics Elective Courses
Counseling by mentor 4 + 6 + 8


Theoretical Physics
PH1007 Continuum Mechanics WS 10
Special Courses
PH2169 Structured Photonic Materials WS 5
PH2071 Fundamentals of Surface and Nanoscale Science WS 5
PH2048 Nanostructured Soft Materials 1 WS 5
PH2173 Nanoplasmonics SS 5
PH2072 Frontiers of Surface and Nanoscale Science SS 5
PH2049 Nanostructured Soft Materials 2 SS 5
Student Seminar, Advanced Lab Course and Non-Physics Elective Courses
Counseling by mentor 4 + 6 + 8

Experimental Methods and Techniques

Soft Matter Science

Theoretical Physics
PH1007 Continuum Mechanics WS 10
Special Courses
PH2046 Polymer Physics 1 WS 5
PH2048 Nanostructured Soft Materials 1 WS 5
PH2053 Physics with Neutrons 1: Fundamentals WS 5
PH2047 Polymer Physics 2 SS 5
PH2049 Nanostructured Soft Materials 2 SS 5
PH2182 Modern X-Ray Physics WS/SS 5
PH2054 Physics with Neutrons 2: Applications SS 5
Student Seminar, Advanced Lab Course and Non-Physics Elective Courses
Counseling by mentor 4 + 6 + 8

Applied Plasma Physics

Individual Curriculum

Theoretical Physics
Catalog, counseling by mentor WS 10
Special Courses
Catalog, counseling by mentor   30
Student Seminar
Catalog, counseling by mentor   4
Advanced Lab Course
Catalog, counseling by mentor   4
Non-Physics Elective Courses
Catalog, counseling by mentor   8

Direct Track into the Ph. D. program

Talented students can continue the Master's research phase seamlessly with a doctoral project, speeding up their academic career. Already during their research phase these students may join the Department Graduate Center Physics and participate in the program of TUM Graduate School.

The "Direct Track" combines the advantages of the traditional model with the speed of a "Fast Track" – without the disadvantages like a (formally) missing Master’s degree.

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