End of Studies and Degree Certificate
Enrollment and Withdrawal
In order to take examinations (written or oral exams as well as course work) you must be enrolled at TUM. This means that especially at the day you hand in your final thesis and at the day of your final colloquium you need to be enrolled. Keep thus in mind to pay the fees for the next semester if you cannot exclude that the date you hand in your thesis or the colloquium will be accounted for the next semester. According to APSO exam dates (with the exception of theses) including the first lecturing week of the next semester are accounted in the last semester (see dates and deadlines during studies for the respective date as end date of the second examination period). The theses needs to be handed in latest at 31st of March for the winter semester and 30th of September for the summer semester.
After you fulfilled all exams and course work necessary to pass your study program your enrolement is still valid until the semester ends – unless you explicitely withdraw from the student register (for which there is usually no necessity). From 1st of October 2019 on (WS 2019/20) action in the past for the withdrawal is excluded. Withdrawal to the end of the semester after passing the degree is triggered by the completion of the final documents (you receive notice in writing and the documents can be obtained from the examinations office) if you are still enroled.
Which final documents will I receive?
You will receive the following documents at the examinations office:
- A diploma indicating the awarded academic degree, Bachelor of Science or Master of Science (German and English translation)
- A degree certificate with the name of the study program, overall grade and title of the thesis (German and English translation)
- A transcript of records listing all the modules you have passed, including an attached list of all exams passed in addition to the curriculum (without module reference) and, if applicable, a list of passed required additional fundamental subjects (both languages in one document)
- A diploma supplement with general information on the study program, university and German educational system (English)
Physics students from our Bachelor's and Master's programs with SPO version 20101 (started before 2013-10-01) additionally receive:
- a grading table where the overall grade is set in relation to all graduates from the last two years (both languages in one document). Alternatively you can download generic grading tables for the Bachelor’s program Physics and the Master’s programs Physics on theses pages.
The grading table and (starting February 19, 2015) the attachments to the transcript of records can be dettached from the other documents (new header, separate pagination). The other documents do not refer to these attachments.
All document have an issued date equal to the date of the last examination belonging to the study program. In most cases, this will be the date of the Bachelor's or Master's colloquium. A semester counter is not indicated.
The preparation of the final documents usually takes four to six weeks and you will receive written notice as soon as the documents can be collected from the examinations office. As soon as your documents can in principle be issued (see below for the remarks on the study programs) you can obtain a preliminary certificate giving date of graduation, academic degree program, date of certificate, and overall grade.
When will I receive my final degree documents?
Normally your final documents are not issued before the semester ends in which the last examination is fulfilled. This is due to the fact that until withdrawal from the student register (by law this is done at the end of the semester) you still may take additional exams after reaching the 180/120 ECTS credit points of the degree program. Henceforth, data included in the degree certificate (overall grade, date) may still change. This includes the preliminary documents.
Without any action on your part the documents will hence be issued as soon as
- the registration deadline for the next accessible examination period of the semester your last exam or coursework was in is passed and you are no longer registered for exams in TUMonline (this means all grades are final) or
- you where withdrawn from the student register ("Exmatrikulation") and all your grades are final in TUMonline (grading deadline is three weeks after lecturing starts in the next semester).
If you need your final documents at an earlier date, you have to explicitely declare that any additional exams you may take shall not be included into your study program and the final documents. As certificate for such exams you will only receive the receipt from TUMonline. They cannot be included into the transcript of records.
To do so and request your documents, please complete and sign this form (German) and submit it to Dr. Philipp H. v. Loewenfeld – you may send the signed form via e-mail if you are not in Garching. This request is independent of your enrolement status – you may still be enroled until the end of the semester.
Your final documents will be prepared by the examinations office in Garching (map in roomfinder). You can obtain a preliminary certificate at the examinations office right away. When your final documents are prepared, you will receive written notice. The examination may then send your your degree documents by mail as well – see information on the degree documents at TUM CST.
If you receive funding or special conditions it makes sense to contact the "Amt für Ausbildungsförderung" (concerning BAFöG), the funding institutions or your assurance company as soon as possible to check at which date the funding oder special condition will end.
Graduation Ceremony
Twice per year the Department cordially invites all new graduates (Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D.) with their family to a graduation ceremony. The graduation ceremonies regularly take place after the lectures of the winter semester (around February) and in autumn (around November). You will be invited to the next ceremony following your degree automatically (we will use your TUM E-Mail address, which you may keep at least as forwarding address, and the postal address given in TUMonline at the time of your degree).
You will not receive your final documents at the graduation ceremony. See the sections above for information on the final documents.
Exchange Program Physics
Exchange students at TUM receive results for each successfully completed module in our university. Provided that the students registered for the examinations in TUMonline, these results are added into their accounts in the system. As soon as all examinations are completed and the grades validated in TUMonline, exchange students can print their own grade reports from their TUMonline account.
Please consider that no documents are sent by default to any partner university. Signed and stamped grade reports can upon request of the exchange student be sent by our examinations office (follow the link and see there "transcripts of academic records").