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Dark Matter

Prof. Susanne Mertens

Research Field

We study the elusive particle, the neutrino, to unlock fundamental mysteries of physics: What is our universe made of? How did structures evolve? Why is our world made of matter and not anti-matter?

Despite major discoveries in the last decades, the neutrino is still one of the most mysterious particles of the standard model of particle physics: What is its mass? Is it its own antiparticle? Does there exist a right-handed partner to the known left-handed neutrino, a so called sterile neutrino? Exploring these properties will help us understand fundamental open questions about our universe.

The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) Experiment will directly measure the absolute neutrino mass. The knowledge of the neutrino mass will have a crucial impact on understanding the structure formation in the early universe. KATRIN is situated at the KIT in Karlsruhe and will start data taking in 2017. With an upgraded multi pixel Si-detector system, called TRISTAN, KATRIN can extend its physics goal to also search for keV-scale sterile neutrinos. This new neutrino species is an ideal candidate for Dark Matter. Our group is leading the sterile neutrino search with KATRIN

Besides KATRIN, our group is involved in the search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0nbb) with the MAJORANA experiment. The discovery of this process would proof that the neutrino is its own antiparticle, which in turn can help us understand the matter anti-matter asymmetry of the universe. MAJORANA and the closely related experiment GERDA plan to join in the near future to perform the ultimate search for this ultra-rare decay.


James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching b. München
+49 89 289 12522

Members of the Research Group






Course with Participations of Group Members

Titel und Modulzuordnung
Astroteilchenphysik 1
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
VO 2 Mertens, S. Di, 08:30–10:00, PH HS3
Physik I für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
VO 3 Mertens, S. Di, 13:15–15:45, 1200
Proseminar zur Astroteilchenphysik
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
PS 2 Mertens, S.
Übung zu Astroteilchenphysik 1
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2
Leitung/Koordination: Mertens, S.
Termine in Gruppen
Übung zu Physik I für Geodäsie und Geoinformation
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2
Leitung/Koordination: Mertens, S.
Termine in Gruppen
FOPRA-Versuch 27: Messung der Neutrinomasse mit KATRIN (AEP, KTA)
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
PR 1 Köhler, C.
Leitung/Koordination: Mertens, S.
Networking Event of Munich School on Neutrinos and Dark Matter
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist keinem Modul zugeordnet.
WS 0.1 Mertens, S. einzelne oder verschobene Termine
Neutrinos and Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics Colloquy
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
KO 2 Majorovits, B. Mertens, S. Resconi, E. Schönert, S. Weiler, A.
Repetitorium zu Proseminar zur Astroteilchenphysik
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
RE 2
Leitung/Koordination: Mertens, S.
Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
SE 2 Mertens, S.

Current and Finished Theses in the Group

Data Quality and Neutrino Mass Sensitivity of the 6th to 9th KATRIN campaigns
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik)
Themensteller(in): Susanne Mertens
Calibration and Characterization of a 7-pixel TRISTAN Detector with an LED
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik)
Themensteller(in): Susanne Mertens
Fast Monte Carlo Simulation for Electron Scattering in the KATRIN Tritium Source
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik)
Themensteller(in): Susanne Mertens
Cosmic Background Studies of a Silicon Drift Detector Setup for the IAXO Experiment
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik)
Themensteller(in): Susanne Mertens
Search for Sterile Neutrinos with Neural Networks
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik)
Themensteller(in): Susanne Mertens
Investigation of an ASIC-based readout system for LEGEND and implementation of the LQ cut into JULEANA
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik)
Themensteller(in): Susanne Mertens
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