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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Back

Photo von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Back.
+49 89 289-12401
Page in TUMonline
Experimental Physics of Functional Spin Systems
Job Titles
  • Department Council Member: Representative of the professors
  • Professorship on Experimental Physics of Functional Spin Systems
  • Spokesperson of the Research Area Condensed Matter Physics
Additional Info

Courses and Dates

Title and Module Assignment
Experimental Physics 1
eLearning course current information
Assigned to modules:
VO 4 Back, C. Tue, 08:30–10:00, MI HS1
Fri, 10:00–12:00, MI HS1
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
VO 4 Back, C.
Assisstants: Chen, L.
Tue, 14:00–16:00, PH 2024
Thu, 16:00–18:00, PH 2024
Spin-Wave Computing
Assigned to modules:
PS 2 Back, C.
Assisstants: Aqeel, A.
Exercise to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Chen, L.
Responsible/Coordination: Back, C.
Open Tutorial to Experimental Physics 1
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Höffer von Loewenfeld, P. Maier, T.
Responsible/Coordination: Back, C.
Tue, 12:00–14:00, ZEI 0001
Tue, 12:00–14:00, MW 1550
and singular or moved dates
and dates in groups
Exercise to Experimental Physics 1
current information
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Maier, T.
Responsible/Coordination: Back, C.
dates in groups
Current Topics in Functional Spin Systems
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Back, C.
Lecturer Consultation Hour to Mathematical Supplement to Experimental Physics 1
This course is not assigned to a module.
RE 2 Höffer von Loewenfeld, P.
Responsible/Coordination: Back, C.
FOPRA Experiment 23: Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) (AEP, KM, QST-EX)
Assigned to modules:
PR 1 Korniienko, A. Pietanesi, L.
Responsible/Coordination: Back, C.
Quantum Engineering Seminar
Assigned to modules:
SE 0.2 Back, C. Pfleiderer, C. Weig, E. singular or moved dates
Revision Course to Spin-Wave Computing
Assigned to modules:
RE 2
Responsible/Coordination: Back, C.
Current Topics on Surface Magnetism
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Back, C.
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