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The Climate Drama – Are we taking action or just acting like it? (Lecture Series Environment - Main Campus)

Course CVL0000885 in SS 2023

General Data

Course Type lecture with integrated exercises
Semester Weekly Hours 1.5 SWS
Organisational Unit Academic Programs WTG
Lecturers Antonia Lena Borsutzky
Barbara Kopp-Gebauer
Franziska Recknagel
Laurin Reim
Alfred Slanitz
Dates Tue, 18:30–20:00, 2750
and 5 singular or moved dates

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks Here we are, each one of us, standing on this great stage that is steadily igniting. Some are afraid of its future weight, and others are merely reciting. There is no autoplay, no single stairway, nor last will arranged. We are all involved and, here to stay in this century’s great drama: “Climate Change”. It is complex, urgent, and the greatest challenge to the humanity of this decade. When has eating meat become worse than burning oil? Or, advocating climate protest more threatening than inequality or populism? Are we really taking meaningful action to combat the climate crisis? Are we, as actors, qualified for this play, or are we just bystanders watching from the sidelines? Maybe we should start changing the script. In this intriguing lecture, we'll cut through the haze of greenwashing and the maze of disinformation. We will analyze the psychology of our action (or rather: our inaction), and delve into the social, political, and economic structures driving - or even impeding -progress. For it is not only about individual action, but the collective movement that can drive a global turnaround against climate change. Don’t miss this chance to get fired up and get ready to act and take on the climate drama!
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry
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