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One Home, One Chance: Time to Accomplish Sustainability Goals Before the Deadline (Ringvorlesung Umwelt)
One Home, One Chance: Time to Accomplish Sustainability Goals Before the Deadline (Environmental Lecture Series)

Lehrveranstaltung CVL0000885 im SS 2024


LV-Art Vorlesung mit integrierten Übungen
Umfang 1.5 SWS
betreuende Organisation Studiengangsbündel WTG
Dozent(inn)en Ruben Brea
Barbara Kopp-Gebauer
Micaelle Nogueira de Carvalho
Anika Pahl
Alfred Slanitz
Manuela Rummeld-Rodenbach
Termine 15 einzelne oder verschobene Termine

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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ergänzende Hinweise Have you ever wondered if our home, our planet, still has a chance? Or if we have already crossed the deadline? And what consequences will follow if we surpass it? Will the deadline become our DEADline?One thing is clear - the world must become more sustainable. And it must happen now! In 2015, the United Nations urgently called on all nations, regardless of their level of economic development, to take action to reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Yet, as we look around the world today, six years before the deadline, we wonder what has become of those calls. Where is the peace? Where is the equality? And where, please, is the climate action? Has anyone looked at the clock and noticed the ticking deadline?Indeed, yes. Despite all the negative developments, we must not forget that there has been progress too. For instance, the number of people living in extreme poverty has decreased by more than half, dropping from 1.9 billion in 1990 to 836 million in 2015. Additionally, effective HIV treatment has cut global AIDS-related deaths by 52% since 2010. These and other success stories are being achieved by humans out there who work tirelessly every day for a sustainable future. These humans, experts in their sustainability goals, will be our speakers and tutors for the lecture series this summer semester. So, let's get inspired, let’s learn, let’s gain hope, and let’s unite for sustainability as the seventeenth goal, 'Partnership for the Goals,' asks of us. Because we have only one home. One chance.
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