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FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface (KM)
FOPRA-Versuch 66: Oberflächenplasmonen (KM)

Course 0000100066 in SS 2022

General Data

Course Type practical training
Semester Weekly Hours 1 SWS
Organisational Unit Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials
Lecturers Alexander Hötger
Christoph Kastl
Responsible/Coordination: Alexander Holleitner

Assignment to Modules

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

WS 2021/2 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface (KM) Hötger, A. Kastl, C.
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
SS 2021 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
Assistants: Hötger, A.Kastl, C.Maanwinder Partap Singh, N.
SS 2020 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
Assistants: Hötger, A.Kastl, C.
WS 2019/20 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
Assistants: Hötger, A.Kastl, C.
SS 2019 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
WS 2018/9 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
SS 2018 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
WS 2017/8 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
SS 2017 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
WS 2016/7 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
SS 2016 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
WS 2015/6 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
SS 2015 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
WS 2014/5 FOPRA Experiment 66: Surface Plasmons at a Metal-Insulator Interface Holleitner, A.
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