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Intensivkurs Proteomics
Proteomics Practical Course

Lehrveranstaltung 0940790810 im SS 2021


LV-Art Übung
Umfang 3 SWS
betreuende Organisation Lehrstuhl für Proteomik und Bioanalytik (Prof. Küster)
Dozent(inn)en Bernhard Küster
Christina Ludwig
Chen Meng
Stephanie Wilhelm
Termine Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
Di, 09:00–16:00, DG L 01
sowie 1 einzelner oder verschobener Termin
sowie 10 Termine in Gruppen

Zuordnung zu Modulen

weitere Informationen

Lehrveranstaltungen sind neben Prüfungen Bausteine von Modulen. Beachten Sie daher, dass Sie Informationen zu den Lehrinhalten und insbesondere zu Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen in der Regel nur auf Modulebene erhalten können (siehe Abschnitt "Zuordnung zu Modulen" oben).

ergänzende Hinweise In this exercise course, the participants will learn mass spectrometry-based methods and evaluation processes that allow identification as well as quantification of proteins. In every module the participants will work with data from a case study, which aims at identifying specific protein interaction partners of the clinical kinase inhibitor Lestaurtinib. Along with this case study, the participants will get familiar with the three steps required for every proteomic experiment: i) sample preparation, ii) mass spectrometric measurement, iii) (statistical) data analysis. The focus of the course will be on statistical data analysis. Here the participants will learn how to first manually annotate fragment ion spectra and then use “Sequence-Tags” for spectra interpretation. Further, they will learn how information about amino acid sequences and masses can be used for database searches. Finally, they will analyze data from an automated database search. Here the best matches between peptide sequences and acquired MS spectra were automatically identified and the underlying error rates were estimated. The used algorithms will be explained in detail. In the last part of the course the participants will learn that proteomics data can also be used for protein quantification. In this context, different visualization tools for quantitative data will be tested (principle component analysis, hierarchical clustering analysis, etc.) and a statistical evaluation of protein concentration differences between samples will be carried out (T-test analysis and volcano plots). All content stated above will be taught in a computer room and participants will perform exercises and data analyses themselves using software tools provided. There will be an intensive interaction between teachers and course participants.
Links TUMonline-Eintrag

Gleiche Lehrveranstaltungen (z. B. in anderen Semestern)

SS 2024 Proteomics Practical Course Abele, M. Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Schneider, A. The, M. Mo, 09:00–16:00, DG L 01
sowie Termine in Gruppen
WS 2023/4 Proteomics Practical Course Abele, M. Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Schneider, A. The, M. Mo, 09:00–17:00, DG L 01
Mo, 09:00–17:00, EG L 12
sowie Termine in Gruppen
SS 2023 Proteomics Practical Course Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Schneider, A. The, M. Wilhelm, S. Mo, 09:00–17:00, DG L 01
Di, 09:00–17:00, DG L 01
Mo, 09:00–16:00, DG L 01
Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
WS 2022/3 Proteomics Practical Course Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Schneider, A. The, M. Mo, 09:00–17:00, DG L 01
Mo, 09:00–17:00, EG L 12
sowie Termine in Gruppen
SS 2022 Intensivkurs Proteomics Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Meng, C. Wilhelm, S. Mo, 09:00–16:00, DG L 01
Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
sowie Termine in Gruppen
WS 2021/2 Intensivkurs Proteomics Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Meng, C. Wilhelm, S. Mo, 09:00–17:00, DG L 01
Mo, 09:00–17:00, EG L 12
sowie Termine in Gruppen
WS 2020/1 Intensivkurs Proteomics Küster, B. Ludwig, C. Wilhelm, M. Wilhelm, S. Mo, 09:00–17:00, EG L 12
Mo, 09:00–17:00, DG L 01
sowie Termine in Gruppen
SS 2020 Proteomics Practical Course Ludwig, C. Medard, G. Meng, C. Wilhelm, M. Wilhelm, S.
Leitung/Koordination: Küster, B.
Do, 09:00–17:00, EG L 12
Fr, 09:00–17:00, EG L 12
SS 2020 Proteomics Practical Course Ludwig, C. Medard, G. Meng, C. Wilhelm, M. Wilhelm, S.
Leitung/Koordination: Küster, B.
Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
Do, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
WS 2019/20 Intensivkurs Proteomics Ludwig, C. Meng, C. Wilhelm, M. Wilhelm, S.
Leitung/Koordination: Küster, B.
Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
SS 2019 Proteomics Practical Course Ludwig, C. Medard, G. Meng, C. Wilhelm, M. Wilhelm, S.
Leitung/Koordination: Küster, B.
Mo, 09:00–16:00, EG L 12
WS 2018/9 Intensivkurs Proteomics Ludwig, C. Medard, G. Meng, C. Wilhelm, M. Wilhelm, S.
Leitung/Koordination: Küster, B.
Termine in Gruppen
SS 2018 Proteomics Practical Course
WS 2017/8 Intensivkurs Proteomics
SS 2017 Proteomics Practical Course
WS 2016/7 Intensivkurs Proteomics
SS 2016 Proteomics Practical Course
WS 2015/6 Intensivkurs Proteomics
SS 2015 Proteomics Practical Course
WS 2014/5 Intensivkurs Proteomics
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