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Exam Registration in TUMonline between 2021-05-17 and 2021-06-30

Exam registration for the modules of SS 2021 in TUMonline is open from 17th of May to 30th of June 2021 regularly. Registration for exams in TUMonline is necessary condition for the assignment of credits.

TUMonline registration is necessary condition for credits

Registration for exams in TUMonline is necessary condition for the assignment of credits – the only exceptions from this rule are

  • specific lab courses (e. g. the advanced lab course), where registration is done in a different system, and
  • the final thesis (research phase) and the final colloquium with separate registration.

Due to the CoViD-19 pandemic for the module exams within the Fundamentals and Orientation Examinations (GOP) in the Bachelor’s program Physics during SS 2020 there is no legal fiction of registration in place (for the exams from WS 2019/20 as well as for the exams from SS 2020) – You may only participate in these exams after registration. If you do not take a GOP exam in SS 2020 the legal fiction of registration according to the exam regulations holds for the next available exam date (presumably after WS 2020/1 for the first part and after SS 2021 for the second part) – automatic registration is done by the student’s office then.

Exam dates from WS 2020/1

In addition during the SS 2021 the exams that were canceled at the end of WS 2020/1 are offered. Registration deadline for these irregular dates is usually until 2021-05-02 – see TUMonline for the respective deadlines.

Due to some student's concerns we kindly remind you that in full-time study programs (which are all Bachelor and Master programs of the Physics Department) there is no restriction on the amount of credits you may obtain during one semester. Hence you will not face any problems taking the repeat exams from WS 2020/1 as well as the regular exams of SS 2021.

Special conditions for on-campus exams during CoViD-19 pandemic

Before registering for an exam please check the special conditions and restrictions for on-campus exams during the CoViD-19 pandemic.

Registration required for student seminars

The term exam here refers to all kind of examination. Especially coursework with "immanent examination character" (e. g. student seminars) require exam registration in TUMonline.

Please note: student seminars available for Bachelor as well as Master students are modularised with two different module numbers and hence two different exam dates in TUMonline for the two levels Bachelor and Master. Keep in mind to register for the correct exam – ideally you use SPO tree for registration (in the application "Curricula Support" which can be reached using "Study status/Curriculum").

Register via the SPO tree

In order to have the credits assigned correctly we strongly advise to use the SPO tree for registration (in the application "Curricula Support" which can be reached using "Study status/Curriculum"). If using the free registration (without the SPO tree) pay special attention to the correct assignment of the registration – registration as "free subject" means that you do not want the credits for this course to count for your current studies. You should always register special courses within the Master programmes inside the specific catalogue and not inside the general catalogue if both is possible (this may only happen if your study started earlier than WS 2018/9).

Oral exams

For oral exams in the special courses the time between the lecture periods is regularly split in two exam periods with separate dummy dates and registration for the second examination period is Mon, 13.09.2021 00:00 till Mon, 27.09.2021 23:59. After registration for the oral exam in TUMonline please contact the examiner to obtain your individual examination date. Failing to take the exam until the last possible date (Sat, 07.08.2021 or Sat, 23.10.2021) given in the registration information results in a fail (grade 5.0).

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