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Theory of Biological Networks

Prof. Karen Alim

Research Field

Life is mesmerizing. How does shape and structure emerge when organism grow? We want to identify the physics that are underlying the morphing of life. Physical forces are eminent for pushing and squeezing living matter as it morphs into life. Observing the physical forces that arise from cell mechanics or fluid flows is key to understand how these physical forces generate and transport information - information that is read out by living matter and feeds back onto its dynamics but also its physical properties itself, thus morphing structures, organs and organisms. To succeed we combine quantitative observation of life with theoretical models to finally capture the key processes in simple mathematical terms. Here, it is important to choose experimental model systems that are particularly good for observation and quantification but also provide an accessible level of abstraction for theory. That is why we work with the slime mould Physarum polycephalum and at the same time built in vitro model systems in the lab. Theoretical models developed both with pen and paper and simulations in the group both inspire experiments and explain observations. Life still hides many fundamental processes that once uncovered can revolutionize our designs, engineering or medical treatment.


James-Franck-Str. 1/I
85748 Garching b. München

Members of the Research Group





Other Staff


Course with Participations of Group Members

Titel und Modulzuordnung
Proseminar zu Klassikern der Biophysik
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
PS 1 Alim, K. einzelne oder verschobene Termine
Offenes Tutorium zu Experimentalphysik 2
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2 Höffer von Loewenfeld, P. Rohr, C.
Leitung/Koordination: Kienberger, R.
Di, 12:00–14:00, ZEI 0001
sowie einzelne oder verschobene Termine
Offenes Tutorium zu Experimentalphysik 4
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2 Höffer von Loewenfeld, P. Rohr, C.
Leitung/Koordination: Fabbietti, L.
Mo, 10:00–12:00, MW 1050
sowie einzelne oder verschobene Termine
Übung zu Experimentalphysik 2
aktuelle Informationen
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2 Rohr, C.
Leitung/Koordination: Kienberger, R.
Termine in Gruppen
Übung zu Experimentalphysik 4
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2 Rohr, C.
Leitung/Koordination: Fabbietti, L.
Termine in Gruppen
Ferienkurs Experimentalphysik 1
eLearning-Kurs LV-Unterlagen
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
TT 2
Leitung/Koordination: Rohr, C.
Ferienkurs Experimentalphysik 2
eLearning-Kurs LV-Unterlagen
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
TT 2 Rohr, C.
Ferienkurs Mathematik für Physiker 1 (Lineare Algebra)
eLearning-Kurs LV-Unterlagen
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
TT 2
Leitung/Koordination: Rohr, C.
Ferienkurs Mathematik für Physiker 2 (Analysis 1)
eLearning-Kurs LV-Unterlagen
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
TT 2
Leitung/Koordination: Rohr, C.
Ferienkurs Mathematik für Physiker 3 (Analysis 2)
eLearning-Kurs LV-Unterlagen
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
TT 2 Rohr, C.
Ferienkurs Theoretische Physik 1 (Mechanik)
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
TT 2 Rohr, C.
Bachelorarbeit schreiben
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
WS 0.5 Rohr, C.
Leitung/Koordination: Kienberger, R.
Repetitorium zu Proseminar zu Klassikern der Biophysik
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
RE 2
Leitung/Koordination: Alim, K.

Current and Finished Theses in the Group

The effect of aversive external conditions on the migration of small plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physik (Biophysik)
Themensteller(in): Karen Alim
Discovering Metastable States in Zebrafish Whole-Brain Imaging
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics)
Themensteller(in): Karen Alim
Investigating metabolic changes in genetically modified stem cell-derived beta cells.
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics
Themensteller(in): Karen Alim
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