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Exam to Introduction to C++ programming

Exam PH8104 in WS 2021/2

Historic Dates

For your information previous exam dates equivalent to the above are given.

Exam to Introduction to C++ programming in WS 2020/1
Fri, 2021-03-19, 10:00 till 17:00 till 2021-03-19
Exam to Introduction to C++ programming in WS 2021/2
Fri, 2022-03-18, 10:00 till 17:00 till 2022-03-16
Exam to Introduction to C++ programming in WS 2019/20
Fri, 2020-03-27 Prüfung wg. Coronavirus-Situation abgesagt. Wann und in welcher Form die Prüfung nachzuholen ist, kann zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht abgesehen werden. // Exam canceled due to Corona virus. When and how this exam is repeated cannot be fixed in the current situation. till 2020-03-10 (cancelation of registration till 2020-03-11)
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