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Effective Field Theories

Course 0000002098 in SS 2024

General Data

Course Type lecture
Semester Weekly Hours 4 SWS
Organisational Unit Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics
Lecturers Martin Beneke
Dates Thu, 12:00–14:00, PH 3344
Tue, 08:00–10:00, PH 3344

Assignment to Modules

  • PH2122: Effektive Feldtheorien / Effective Field Theories
    This module is included in the following catalogs:
    • Specific catalogue of special courses for nuclear, particle, and astrophysics
    • Complementary catalogue of special courses for condensed matter physics
    • Complementary catalogue of special courses for Biophysics
    • Complementary catalogue of special courses for Applied and Engineering Physics
    • Specialization Modules in Elite-Master Program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP)

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks The lecture course will provide an introduction to effective field theories (EFTs) and renormalization techniques with applications ranging from high energy to atomic physics. The following topics will be covered: * Principles of EFTs o Scales and systems in nature o What is an EFT and how to construct it o Example: the Euler-Heisenberg Lagrangian o Example: the Fermi theory of weak interactions at tree level o Example: the Rayleigh scattering o Relevant, irrelevant and marginal operators o Quantum loops of irrelevant operators o Mass-dependent vs mass-independent regularization schemes o Dimensional regularization o Quantum loops of marginal operators o Example: β function and running coupling constant in QED and QCD o Decoupling theorem o Example: the one and two loop matching of the QCD strong-coupling constant in MSbar o Renormalization group equations in QFTs and EFTs o Anomalous dimensions o Mixing o Example: ΔS = 2 transition amplitude in the Fermi theory of weak interactions * Heavy quark effective theory o Heavy-light meson spectrum o Heavy-quark spin-flavour symmetry o Static Lagrangian o Spectroscopy implications o Heavy meson decay constants o Transition form factors: Isgur-Wise functions o Example: B → D transitions and calculation of dΓ(B → D e ν)/dq² o Renormalization of composite operators o Example: heavy-light currents and heavy-heavy currents o Heavy meson decay constants at LL and NLO o The 1/m expansion of the HQET Lagrangian o Reparameterization invariance o Chromomagnetic coupling and hyperfine splitting at LL o Decoupling in the HQET o B → D e ν and Luke's theorem * Applications to atomic physics o Bound states in QED: physical picture, scales, degrees of freedom o NRQED: Lagrangian, power counting, matching o Four-fermion operators o Example: matching of dimension six four-fermion operators and the positronium decay width o pNRQED: Lagrangian, power counting, matching o Example: the hydrogen atom and the Lamb shift o Example: the Rayleigh scattering in pNRQED
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry
TUMonline registration

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

WS 2022/3 Effective Field Theories Vairo, A. Tue, 14:00–16:00, PH 3343
Thu, 10:00–12:00, PH 3343
SS 2020 Effective Field Theories Vairo, A. Tue, 14:00–16:00, virtuell
Thu, 10:00–12:00, virtuell
WS 2018/9 Effective Field Theories Brambilla, N. Tue, 08:00–10:00, PH 3344
Wed, 12:00–14:00, PH 3344
SS 2018 Effective Field Theories Vairo, A. Tue, 14:00–16:00, PH 3344
Thu, 12:00–14:00, PH 3344
WS 2014/5 Effective Field Theories Vairo, A. Tue, 10:00–12:00, PH 1141
Wed, 10:00–12:00, PH 1141
WS 2012/3 Effective Field Theories Vairo, A. singular or moved dates
SS 2011 Effective Field Theories Vairo, A. singular or moved dates
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