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Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture

Lehrveranstaltung CVL0001026 im SS 2023


LV-Art Workshop
Umfang 1.5 SWS
betreuende Organisation Studiengangsbündel WTG
Dozent(inn)en Stefanie Fricke
Termine Mi, 09:00–10:30, 1229

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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Lehrveranstaltungen sind neben Prüfungen Bausteine von Modulen. Beachten Sie daher, dass Sie Informationen zu den Lehrinhalten und insbesondere zu Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen in der Regel nur auf Modulebene erhalten können (siehe Abschnitt "Zuordnung zu Modulen" oben).

ergänzende Hinweise Since antiquity humans have been fascinated by the idea of artificial life and have imagined its creation in different media. Thus, long before these fictions can become reality, literature and art already provide fictional spaces in which fundamental questions can be asked: Why do humans want to create artificial life? How do they treat the resulting creatures? How can we define “human”? Which gender dynamics are involved? How are society and human relationships changed by the existence of artificial life forms? And are there borders which should not be crossed? In this seminar we will discuss the current state of science, technology and ethics and analyze the depiction of artificial life forms in literature (e.g. in Ovid´s Metamorphoses, E. T. A. Hoffman´s “Der Sandmann”; Mary Shelley´s “Frankenstein”; the stories of Isaac Asimov and contemporary novels such as Kazuo Ishiguro´s “Klara and the Sun”), films (e.g. Metropolis, Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049, Robocop, Ex Machina, Moon), TV series (e.g. Star Trek, Westworld, Black Mirror, Humans) and other media (computer games, comics and graphic novels). Students are very welcome to suggest additional texts and films.
Links E-Learning-Kurs (z. B. Moodle)

Gleiche Lehrveranstaltungen (z. B. in anderen Semestern)

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SS 2024 Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture Fricke, S. Do, 09:00–10:30, 1229
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WS 2023/4 "Bin ich Faust?" - Wissenschaft und Technik im Blick von Literatur und Theater Lughofer, I.
WS 2023/4 Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis? Ideen, Irritationen, Inspirationen zum Leben in der Zukunft Lughofer, I. Mo, 10:00–17:00
WS 2023/4 Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture Fricke, S. Mi, 09:00–10:30, 1229
SS 2023 Elementare Kräfte, Wildnis, Ökosystem - Wissenschaft und Technik im Blick von Literatur und Theater Lughofer, I. einzelne oder verschobene Termine
WS 2022/3 "Bin ich Faust?" - Wissenschaft und Technik im Blick von Literatur und Theater Lughofer, I. einzelne oder verschobene Termine
WS 2022/3 Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture Fricke, S.
Mitwirkende: Recknagel, F.
Mi, 09:00–10:30, 1229
SS 2022 "Bin ich Faust?" - Rollen. Klischees. Visionen. Wissenschaft und Technik im Blick von Literatur und Theater Lughofer, I.
SS 2022 Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture Fricke, S. Mi, 09:00–10:30, 1229
sowie einzelne oder verschobene Termine
WS 2021/2 Robots, Androids, Clones and Transhumanism in Literature, Film and Culture Fricke, S.
Mitwirkende: Recknagel, F.
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WS 2021/2 Shakespeares New Technologies (Imagining past and future technologies by reading and staging "Hamlet") Leroy, E.
Mitwirkende: Recknagel, F.
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