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German as a Foreign Language A1.1 plus A1.2
Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1.1 plus A1.2

Course 220000DE05 in WS 2015/6

General Data

Course Type seminar
Semester Weekly Hours 6 SWS
Organisational Unit TUM Language Center
Dates 131 dates in groups

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks In this module, students gain basic knowledge of German as a foreign language, enabling them with minimal language skills to successfully manage such basic everyday situations as shopping, eating in a restaurant, using public transportation, etc. They learn/practice fundamental vocabulary concerning family, career, leisure time and food and eating habits, construction of the plural, personal and demonstrative pronouns and simple forms of negation, to pose questions to others about themselves and their families and answer similar questions, numbers, gain understanding of prices, using money and telling time, and talk about their day-to-day activities in the present tense using simple sentence structures. Opportunities will be made available for self-motivated, independent learning. In this module, students will increase their ability to function in the foreign language without great effort and largely fluently by working with more complexly-structured and challenging listening and reading texts on topics from ecology, economics, sociology, etc. They will augment their proficiency at differentiating between types of texts and writing styles, identifying implicitly formulated opinions and examining modern literary texts following a prescribed interpretive method. They practice analyzing, structurally condensing and taking detailed positions on texts both inside and outside their fields of study and gathering detailed information from longer speeches, lectures, reports, etc. They learn to differentiate the nuances of meaning in related expressions and to understand a multitude of figures of speech. They develop a differentiated repertoire of means of expression for a broad spectrum of current topics and popular scientific questions that goes beyond standard language. They work with selected grammatical particularities such as the possibilities of nominalizing and the nominal style, textual coherence, the various forms of indirect speech, word formation variants or the function of the pronoun “es”. Students critically examine positions within public discourse, including their cultural specificity. They deal with selected aspects of culture and cultural life in Germany.
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

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