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Multi-body Simulation

Course 820532392 in SS 2016

General Data

Course Type lecture
Semester Weekly Hours 2 SWS
Organisational Unit Chair of Applied Mechanics (Prof. Rixen)
Dates Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks Multibody systems are technical systems consisting of different rigid or elastic bodies that are interconnected. The connections may be modeled with classical force elements like spring-dampers or realized by kinematical constraints, e.g. joints. Moreover, frictional contacts between bodies can be modeled using unilateral constraints and Coulomb-friction. In the meantime multibody simulation programs are well established and can be found in a variety of industrial sectors, for example in aeronautical engineering or in the automobile industry. In consideration of initial and boundary values, a multibody simulation provides the transient motion of the bodies as well as the forces and moments acting in the connections between bodies. Besides the Finite Element Method (FEM), the multibody simulation is an important tool for numerical computations in mechanical engineering. The basic aim of the lecture “Multibody simulation” is to give access to the computer aided simulation of dynamical systems. Planned topics: 1. Imbedding in mechanics / applications 2. Equations of motion with Newton-Euler in descriptor- and state space form (Matlab examples) 3. Numerical integration (one-step- and multi-step schemes / order / stability / geometry / step-size control / Matlab examples) 4. DAE integration (index / drift / stabilization) 5. Nonsmooth MBS (contact kinematics, contact search and contact laws / event-driven integration and timestepping methods / Matlab examples) 6. Flexible MBS / model order reduction / Co-simulation / optimal control
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

SS 2024 Multi-body Simulation Slimak, T. Zwölfer, A.
Responsible/Coordination: Rixen, D.
Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2023 Multi-body Simulation Slimak, T. Zwölfer, A.
Responsible/Coordination: Rixen, D.
Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2022 Multi-body Simulation Zwölfer, A.
Responsible/Coordination: Rixen, D.
Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2021 Multi-body Simulation Rixen, D. Zwölfer, A. Wed, 09:00–11:00
SS 2020 Multi-body Simulation (MW0866, online) Rixen, D. Seiwald, P. Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2019 Multi-body Simulation Rixen, D. Seiwald, P. Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2018 Multi-body Simulation Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2017 Multi-body Simulation Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
Wed, 09:00–11:00, MW 2050
SS 2015 Multi-body Simulation Mon, 08:00–10:00, MW 0250
SS 2014 Multi-body Simulation Mon, 08:00–10:00, MW 0250
and singular or moved dates
SS 2013 Multi-body Simulation
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