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Experimental techniques for the characterization of biomatter
Experimentelle Techniken zur Charakterisierung von Biomaterialien

Course 0000MW1948 in WS 2013/4

General Data

Course Type lecture
Semester Weekly Hours 3 SWS
Organisational Unit Associate Professorship of Biomechanik (Prof. Lieleg)

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks This lecture discusses experimental techniques that can be used to characterize the structure and mechanics of biomaterials. First, basic imaging techniques such as optical microscopy, electron microscopy, near field and atomic force microscopy will be introduced. It will be shown how these techniques can be adjusted to increase the resolution and contrast of the obtained images so that these techniques can be used for the characterization of biological samples. In a second part, macro- and microscopic techniques for determining the viscoelastic properties of biomaterials are reviewed and the corresponding setups are discussed. In a last part, techniques for micro- and nanostructuring are introduced and it is shown how they can be applied in tandem with optical or mechanical techniques in a microfluidic setup that allows performing complex sorting or analysis steps in a “lab on a chip” device. As an additional part of this lecture, guided lab tours with short demonstrations of state-of-the-art equipment (optical or mechanical measuring setups) of the IMETUM will be offered.
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