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Exam Registration Withdrawal in Case of e. g. Sickness

In the case you may not participate in an exam due to sickness you should see a doctor to attest your condition in a medical certificate ("Attest").

The board of examiners of your program is always responsible for withdrawals from examinations and the recognition of certificates! The following statements apply to students of physics. Students of other departments should contact their own department.

Due to the different severity of the consequences of not appearing at a module examination within the Fundamentals and Orientation Examinations (GOP) in the bachelor's program in physics and another module examination, the two cases are treated differently in each case.

Withdrawal from an examination within the GOP

In case of illness, a medical certificate in original must be sent by mail to the secretary of the examination board  () for examination dates of the GOP. Alternatively, the certificate can also be handed in personally at the Dean's office of the Department of Physics. Please enclose a note with the certificate, indicating at least your first and last name, your matriculation number, your field of degree program and the module examinations concerned. The examination attempt will not be counted afterwards and the relevant examination must be taken at the next regularly offered date.

Usually, certificates from your family physician are sufficient. In case of repetition, a certificate from a TUM medical examiner can be mandatory.

We recommend to always keep a copy with your own documents.

If, as a consequence of the recognized withdrawal, the case arises that after the examinations of the second examination period immediately before the lecture period of the following semester (regular repeat examinations) there is still entitlement to individual examination attempts, these must be made up for at the next regularly offered date, i.e. in the first examination block of the following academic year - unless the other GOP modules are finally failed. Again, the  secretary  of the examination board will automatically register you in TUMonline.
Illness etc. for examinations outside the GOP

Illness, etc. during examinations outside the GOP

For all examinations outside the GOP, the APSO allows any number of attempts until the examination is passed as part of the Academic Progress Check. Consequently, in the event of absence from an examination, we initially waive the requirement to present a certificate or corresponding confirmation. However, we still recommend that you obtain certificates or relevant confirmations from a physician, for example, and add them to your private documents, since these documents could later be claimed from the examination board if your progress is at risk, e.g. if you need to decide on an extension or suspension of the deadline.

For the mandatory modules of the first semester of the Master's program QST and the mandatory modules of the first two semesters of the Master's program BEMP, it is recommended to submit a certificate in order to obtain an extension of the deadline. Please submit your certificate via the secretary of the examination board of the respective program.

Please note that outside the GOP there is no automatic registration for exams in TUMonline. You must therefore register independently and in good time for repeat examinations in TUMonline.

Keep in mind that neither the grade report nor the transcript of records as part of the final degree documents actually list negative exam results or an exam counter.

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