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High energy neutrino oscillations observed at IceCube experiment

TUM physicist Prof. E. Resconi and her team, members of the IceCube experiment, have recently collected and analyzed data on atmospheric neutrinos in the energy region above 30 GeV, a range that has never been explored before. The disappearance of muon neutrinos expected by standard oscillations has been clearly observed by IceCube at the level of more than 5 sigma standard deviations. This unambiguous observation of atmospheric neutrino oscillations opens the way for IceCube to test non-standard oscillations including the search for sterile neutrinos.
The result has been recently presented at the Neutrino 2012 international conference and reported in Nature News.

Additional information:
Nature news ("IceCube catches high-energy neutrino oscillations")

Chair of Prof. Resconi

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