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Topologische Elektronik und Materialien
Topological Electronics and Materials

Lehrveranstaltung 0000000216 im SS 2024


LV-Art Vorlesung
Umfang 2 SWS
betreuende Organisation Nanotechnologie und Nanomaterialien
Dozent(inn)en Christoph Kastl
Termine Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001

Zuordnung zu Modulen

  • PH2283: Topologische Elektronik und Materialien / Topological Electronics and Materials
    Dieses Modul ist in den folgenden Katalogen enthalten:
    • Spezifischer Spezialfachkatalog Physik der kondensierten Materie
    • Spezifischer Spezialfachkatalog Applied and Engineering Physics
    • Fokussierungsrichtung Experimentelle Quantenwissenschaften & -technologien im M.Sc. Quantum Science & Technology
    • Komplementärer Spezialfachkatalog Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik
    • Komplementärer Spezialfachkatalog Biophysik

weitere Informationen

Lehrveranstaltungen sind neben Prüfungen Bausteine von Modulen. Beachten Sie daher, dass Sie Informationen zu den Lehrinhalten und insbesondere zu Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen in der Regel nur auf Modulebene erhalten können (siehe Abschnitt "Zuordnung zu Modulen" oben).

ergänzende Hinweise This module provides a detailed overview on a fascinating new class of solid-state materials and a fast growing research area: topological electronics and corresponding quantum materials. The conceptual application of topology to the classification of solid-state materials revolutionized condensed matter physics in recent years and lead to the discovery of novel topological quantum materials and phases. Topologically non-trivial band structures give rise to material properties that are insensitive against external perturbations, which renders topological and quantum materials a promising and robust platform for novel electronic, spin-electronic and quantum optical applications. This module will introduce the basic concepts of topology in solid-state physics and discuss corresponding electronic and spin-electronic phenomena in quantum materials. A particular focus will be placed on the experimental realization and characterization of atomistic quantum materials with only a few nanometer thickness. The following specific topics will be addressed:- Historical and topical introduction to topological quantum phenomena and materials.- Review of solid state-band theory and introduction to modern topological band theory tools, including Berry phase, Berry curvature and Chern numbers.- Overview, classification, and characteristic properties of the main families of topological materials, including 3D and 2D topological insulators and Weyl semimetals.- Introduction to topological electronic phenomena, such as the quantum Hall effect, the (quantum) anomalous Hall effect, and the (quantum) spin Hall effect. - Nanofabrication and preparation methods applicable to topological materials, such as Bi2Se3 or few-layer and monolayer WTe2.- Nanoanalytical methods specialized to topological materials. This will include polarization-resolved optoelectronic studies, magneto-electronic transport experiments, atomic force, scanning tunneling, scanning electron microscopy, enhanced X-ray methods resolving the non-trivial band structure.- Discussion of potential device application for selected topological materials in the area of electronic and spintronic circuits.Focus topics to introduce peculiar properties of selected materials in more detail:- Crystal structures and space groups in topological materials.- Broken time- and space-symmetries and corresponding Hamiltonians.- Berry curvature induced anomalous velocity and its influence on the transversal electron conductivity and corresponding spin polarization.Furthermore, the students will become familiar with selected recent research papers and review articles in high-impact research journals such as Science, Nature publishing group and further literature related to topological quantum materials. The students are being trained in how to access and extract the information from those articles.
Links E-Learning-Kurs (z. B. Moodle)

Gleiche Lehrveranstaltungen (z. B. in anderen Semestern)

SS 2023 Topological Electronics and Materials Kastl, C. Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001
SS 2022 Topological Electronics and Materials Kastl, C. Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001
SS 2021 Topological Electronics and Materials Kastl, C. Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001
SS 2020 Topological Electronics and Materials Holleitner, A.
Mitwirkende: Kastl, C.
Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001
SS 2019 Topological Electronics and Materials Holleitner, A.
Mitwirkende: Kastl, C.
Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001
Mi, 12:15–13:45, ZNN 0.001
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