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BEMP Lab 05: Measurement and Filtering of Bioelectrical Signals

Course 0000003133 in WS 2023/4

General Data

Course Type practical training
Semester Weekly Hours 4 SWS
Organisational Unit Associate Professorship of Bio-inspired Information Processing (Prof. Hemmert)
Lecturers Bernhard Gleich
Werner Hemmert
Jonathan Rapp
Dates 1 singular or moved dates

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks Biosignals refer to signals recorded from the human body. They can be either electrical (e.g. clectrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), etc.) or non-electrical (e.g. breathing, movements, etc.). The acquisition and processing of such signals play an important role in clinical routines. They are usually considered as major indicators which provide clinicians and physicians with useful information during diagnostic and monitoring processes. Thus, when dealing with biosignals, special attention must be paid to their acquisition, their analysis and their processing capabilities which constitute the final stage preceding the clinical diagnosis. Naturally, the diagnosis is based on the information provided by the processing system. In such cases, vast responsibility is placed on this system. Therefore, specific attention should be paid to the way these signals have to be processed. As you are aware, clinicians dealing with processed signals care little about the algorithm that has been implemented in their system to extract the required information. For them, the final results are all that counts. Generally speaking, signal processing, in particular digital signal processing, has today become a huge universe, incorporating a wide range of techniques and approaches. To get a comprehensive overview of the whole corpus of published techniques is far from straightforward. In fact, many fields deal with digital signal processing including mathematics, electrical engineering, computer engineering, and so on.
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
Current information
TUMonline entry
TUMonline registration

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

WS 2022/3 BEMP Lab 05: Measurement and Filtering of Bioelectrical Signals Gleich, B. Hemmert, W.
Assistants: Knürr, J.
singular or moved dates
WS 2021/2 BEMP Lab 05: Measurement and Filtering of Bioelectrical Signals Gleich, B. Hemmert, W.
Assistants: Knürr, J.
singular or moved dates
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