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(IN0014, IN2107, IN4875) Seminar Computational Social Science
Seminar Computational Social Science (IN0014, IN2107, IN4875)

Lehrveranstaltung 0000003195 im WS 2020/1


LV-Art Seminar
Umfang 2 SWS
betreuende Organisation Professur für Computational Social Science and Big Data (Prof. Pfeffer)
Dozent(inn)en Raji Ghawi
Jürgen Pfeffer
Termine Fr, 09:45–11:15, virtuell

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ergänzende Hinweise Social media data, website clicks, traffic information, ... We are witnessing the creation and manipulation of an unprecedented volume of data. More and more social data are becoming digital human traces through ubiquitous "datafication". In this seminar, the students study the social science basics of human dynamics in networked structures and learn the methodological and technical basics to analyze them (e.g. with network science, social simulations). In addition, students discuss the practical and ethical challenges of analyzing social data, including questions about access to data sources and their use in the research context.
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