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automobile production

Course 0000005300 in WS 2018/9

General Data

Course Type lecture
Semester Weekly Hours 2 SWS
Organisational Unit Chair of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies (Prof. Zäh komm.)
Lecturers Gunther Reinhart

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks The lecture „Automobile Production“ outlines the manifold and challenging tasks of production engineering in the field of automobile manufacturing. The course covers the general background, interrelations and current topics of the whole process chain such as the sourcing of raw materials and pre-products, single item production, forming and joining processes and the final assembly. Besides the classical production processes the lecture also considers innovative subjects such as electromobility and structural components made of plastic. The individual topics are presented by specialists of the automobile industry.
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

WS 2023/4 automobile production Daub, R. Lindenblatt, J. Schneider, D. Singer, C. Volk, W. Fri, 08:45–10:15, MW 2250
and singular or moved dates
WS 2022/3 automobile production Daub, R. Lindenblatt, J. Schneider, D. Singer, C. Volk, W. Fri, 09:00–10:30, MW 2250
WS 2021/2 automobile production Daub, R. Singer, C. Volk, W. Fri, 09:30–11:00, 0.003
SS 2021 automobile production Reinhart, G. Singer, C.
WS 2020/1 automobile production Singer, C. Volk, W. Fri, 09:30–11:00, virtuell
and singular or moved dates
SS 2020 automobile production Reinhart, G. Singer, C.
WS 2019/20 automobile production Reinhart, G. Singer, C. Fri, 08:30–10:00, MW 2250
SS 2018 automobile production
SS 2016 automobile production Fri, 14:00–15:30, MW 2250
SS 2015 automobile production Fri, 14:00–15:30, MW 2250
SS 2014 automobile production Fri, 14:00–15:30, MW 2250
and singular or moved dates
SS 2013 automobile production
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