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Analyse von neuartigen funktionellen Materialien mit Synchrotronstrahlung: Techniken und Anwendungen
Advanced Materials Analysis with Synchrotron Radiation: Techniques and Applications

Lehrveranstaltung 0000002659 im WS 2019/20


LV-Art Vorlesung
Umfang 2 SWS
betreuende Organisation Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenphysik
Dozent(inn)en Francesco Allegretti
Termine Fr, 11:00–13:00, PH II 227

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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Lehrveranstaltungen sind neben Prüfungen Bausteine von Modulen. Beachten Sie daher, dass Sie Informationen zu den Lehrinhalten und insbesondere zu Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen in der Regel nur auf Modulebene erhalten können (siehe Abschnitt "Zuordnung zu Modulen" oben).

ergänzende Hinweise The use of photons as primary excitation source offers a rich variety of tools, which prove invaluable for unraveling the physical and chemical properties of condensed matter and for the understanding of the underlying physical processes at the atomic scale. This lecture course provides a comprehensive survey of a plethora of experimental techniques that are based on the use of synchrotron radiation. Fundamental principles, modes of operation and basic instrumentation are presented for each technique, the potential and value of which will be illustrated by means of relevant and innovative applications to advanced materials analysis. Topics: interaction of photons with matter; generation of synchrotron radiation & technology; X-ray diffraction & scattering techniques; X-ray absorption spectroscopy, soft X-ray magnetic dichroism and X-ray emission spectroscopy; high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy; photoelectron diffraction & X-ray standing waves; photoemission electron microscopy; time-resolved spectroscopy. The physical content of the course is inherently interdisciplinary, focusing on phenomena at the crossroads among condensed matter physics, materials science, physical chemistry, surface and nanoscale science, catalysis and even biophysics.
Links E-Learning-Kurs (z. B. Moodle)
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