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Praktikum: Hacking Automotive Networks (IN0012, IN2106, IN4255)

Lehrveranstaltung 0000002567 im SS 2019


LV-Art Praktikum
Umfang 6 SWS
betreuende Organisation Informatik 4 - Lehrstuhl für Software & Systems Engineering (Prof. Pretschner)
Dozent(inn)en Thomas Hutzelmann
Leitung/Koordination: Alexander Pretschner
Termine Do, 13:00–16:00, MI 01.11.018
sowie 2 einzelne oder verschobene Termine

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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Lehrveranstaltungen sind neben Prüfungen Bausteine von Modulen. Beachten Sie daher, dass Sie Informationen zu den Lehrinhalten und insbesondere zu Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen in der Regel nur auf Modulebene erhalten können (siehe Abschnitt "Zuordnung zu Modulen" oben).

ergänzende Hinweise This lab uses a round based attack and defense setup to give deep insights about the network used inside cars, its weaknesses and possible mitigation strategies. All participants are split into small teams that solves the phases collaboratively. The build system of each phase will be used as a challenges for the other teams in the following phases. Each team will be provided with diverse hardware to assemble different network layouts and setups themselves. The first phase focuses on assembling smaller networks that assembles the standard communication protocols and patterns used inside a car to implement small representative services. In the next phase, the teams will implement attacks tampering with the functionality of the services. For the next round, each team has to implement security mechanics that prevent as many previous attacks as possible. The final phase is rather open: Either the attacks can be refined to work against the proposed defenses, more sophisticated security can be implemented or experiments with new network architectures are possible. The preliminary meeting will take place on Monday, 04.02.2019 at 10:00h in 01.09.14 (Alonzo Church)
Links E-Learning-Kurs (z. B. Moodle)
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