Advanced Methods in Quantum Many-Body Theory
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
VO |
4 |
Knap, M.
Assisstants: Bastianello, A.Jin, H.Lovas, L.Roy, A.Sim, G.
Mon, 16:00–18:00, PH 3344
Tue, 16:00–18:00, PH 3344
Computational Methods in Many-Body Physics
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
VO |
2 |
Knap, M.
Pollmann, F.
Tue, 14:00–16:00, PH 3343
and singular or moved dates
Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulations
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
PS |
2 |
Knap, M.
Knolle, J.
Pollmann, F.
Mon, 10:00–12:00, PH 3343
and singular or moved dates
Theory of Quantum Matter
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
PS |
2 |
Knap, M.
Knolle, J.
Pollmann, F.
Mon, 10:00–12:00, virtuell
and singular or moved dates
Exercise to Advanced Methods in Quantum Many-Body Theory
Assigned to modules:
UE |
2 |
Bastianello, A.
Jin, H.
Lovas, L.
Roy, A.
Sim, G.
Responsible/Coordination: Knap, M.
Thu, 16:00–18:00, PH 3344
Exercise to Computational Methods in Many-Body Physics
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
UE |
4 |
Hemery, K.
Kadow, W.
Lin, S.
Wybo, E.
Responsible/Coordination: Knap, M.
singular or moved dates
and dates in groups
FOPRA Experiment 34: Simulating Quantum Many-Body Dynamics on a Current Digital Quantum Computer
eLearning course course documents
Assigned to modules:
PR |
2 |
Knap, M.
Assisstants: Feldmeier, J.Liu, Y.
Condensed Matter Theory Journal Club
Assigned to modules:
SE |
2 |
Knap, M.
Knolle, J.
Pollmann, F.
Thu, 14:00–16:00, virtuell
Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
Assigned to modules:
SE |
2 |
Knap, M.
Knolle, J.
Pollmann, F.
Wed, 14:00–16:00, virtuell
Condensed Matter Theory Blackboard Seminar
Assigned to modules:
SE |
2 |
Knap, M.
Knolle, J.
Pollmann, F.
Mon, 14:00–16:00, virtuell