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Quantum Technologies

Prof. Menno Poot

Research Field

Our group focusses on Quantum Technologies. We make chips using state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques to study quantum effects in a variety of systems. For example, we look at nanomechanical resonators at millikelvin temperatures, where these are in their quantum groundstate. Yet their tiny zero-point motion can be measured using ultra-sensitive optomechanical techniques.
Another important topic is integrated quantum optics, where photonic chips with functionality to generate, manipulate, and detect single photons are designed, made, and measured.


James-Franck-Str. 1/I
85748 Garching b. München
+49 (0)89 289-12358
Fax: +49 (0)89 289-12536

Members of the Research Group





Other Staff


Course with Participations of Group Members

Titel und Modulzuordnung
Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (in English)
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
VO 4 Poot, M. Mo, 12:00–14:00, EI-HS Garching
Do, 16:00–18:00, EI-HS Garching
sowie einzelne oder verschobene Termine
Journal Club Optomechanics and Quantum Optics
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
PS 1 Poot, M.
Exercise to Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (in English)
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2 Sommer, T.
Leitung/Koordination: Poot, M.
Termine in Gruppen
Mentoring-Programm im Bachelorstudiengang Physik
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
KO 0.2 Poot, M. Termine in Gruppen
Repetitorium zu Journal-Club Optomechanik und Quantenoptik
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
RE 2
Leitung/Koordination: Poot, M.

Current and Finished Theses in the Group

Variational Quantum Eigensolver with Zero Noise Extrapolation
Abschlussarbeit im Bachelorstudiengang Physik
Themensteller(in): Peter Rabl
Comparing Quantum Multiplication Algorithms
Abschlussarbeit im Bachelorstudiengang Physik
Themensteller(in): Peter Rabl
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