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Fermilab theorist Andreas Kronfeld appointed as TUM-IAS Senior Fellow

2014-07-23 – News from Physics Department

Fermilab theorist Dr. Andreas Kronfeld has been appointed as Hans Fischer Senior Fellow at TUM’s Institute for Advanced Study and jointly at the Physik-Department.

Dr. Andreas Kronfeld
Dr. Andreas Kronfeld / Photo: Reidar Hahn, Fermilab

Andreas Kronfeld (Fermilab, USA) has been honored with a TUM-IAS Hans Fischer Senior Fellowship for a joint research program with Prof. Nora Brambilla on “Interplay of Effective Quantum Field Theory and Numerical Lattice Gauge Theory”. As an IAS Senior Fellow, he will spend nine months of the next three years at Brambilla’s group at Physik-Department of TUM. A position for a Ph.D. student will be offered as well. The research targets innovative ideas in particle and nuclear physics – and envisages spin offs to condensed matter and computational physics.

About Andreas Kronfeld

Andreas Kronfeld is a senior scientist in Fermilab’s Theoretical Physics Department. He obtained a PhD in 1985 from Cornell University. After a postdoc stay from 1985 to 1988 at DESY in Hamburg he returned to the US and has stayed at Fermilab since then – apart from visiting professorships in Denmark and Japan. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), on the basis of his work connecting lattice quantum chromodynamics calculations to experimental physics.

Andreas – who is a fluent speaker of German – is looking forward to spending more time in Munich, both for the science and to visit family members who live close by.

Hans Fischer Senior Fellowships

Hans Fischer Senior Fellows are outstanding international scientists, who intend to explore innovative, high-risk topics in their scientific research areas together with a TUM research group. The fellowship program is funded by the Excellence Initiative, sponsored by the German federal and state governments.

Dr. Johannes Wiedersich


Nora Brambilla and Andreas Kronfeld have already been working together for several years. Recently, they steered an international working group of scientists and edited the resulting publication that highlights the status and challenges of strong-interaction physics.

The report addresses current questions like:

  • What are the latest achievements and highlights related to the strong interaction?
  • What important problems remain unsolved?
  • What are the most promising avenues for further investigation?
  • What do experiments need from theory? What does theory need from experiments?

This research discusses how strong interaction is closely connected to a broad range of physical problems, in settings ranging from astrophysics and cosmology to strongly-coupled, complex systems in particle and condensed-matter physics, as well as to the investigations for physics beyond the Standard Model.

QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories: challenges and perspectives
N. Brambilla, S. Eidelman, P. Foka, S. Gardner, A.S. Kronfeld, et al.
e-Print: arXiv hep-ph/1404.3723, 248 pp.
European Physics Journal C (accepted)

Another long-lasting collaboration of Nora Brambilla and Andreas Kronfeld takes place inside the international quarkonium working group (QWG), composed of the leading theorists and experimentalists working on the physics of bound states made by a heavy quark and a heavy antiquark. Such systems are very important as probes of strong interactions, and quarkonium spectroscopy, decays, properties in medium, quarkonium as a source of precise determination of Standard model parameters and as a tool for Beyond the standard model is studied.

Andreas is convener of the topical group “Standard Model Parameters” and Nora is convener of the topical group “Spectroscopy” and general QWG convener. In 2005 they collaborated with the other conveners of the group to prepare the large report “Heavy Quarkonium Physics” covering state of the art and perspectives in quarkonium physics:

Heavy quarkonium physics
Quarkonium Working Group Collaboration (N. Brambilla et al.).
FERMILAB-FN-0779, CERN-2005-005, Dec 2004. 521 pp.
e-Print: arXiv hep-ph/0412158

This paper is presently quoted 665 times according to the inSPIRE database.


Prof. Nora Brambilla
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 89 289-12353
Dr. Andreas Samuel Kronfeld
Theoretical Physics Department
MS 106
PO Box 500
Batavia, IL 60510-0500 USA
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