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Promotions-Absolventen - Jahrgang 2009/2010

Name Lehrstuhl Thema
Bauer Dominik MPQ Optical Control of a Magnetic Feshbach Resonance
Bauswein Andreas MPA Relativistic simulations of compact mergers for nucleonic matter and strange quark matter
Behrens Thomas E12 The Evolution of B(E2) Values Around the Doubly-Magic Nucleus 132 Sn
Bertz Morten E22 Dissoziationsmechanik einzelner Proteinkomplexe
Birkl Reiner MPA Stationary, Axisymmetric Neutron Stars with Meridional Circulation in General Relativity
Bissaldi Elisabetta MPE High-Energy Emission from Bright Gamma-Ray Bursts using Fermi
Blanke Monika T31 The custodially protected Randall-Sundrum model: theoretical aspects and flavour phenomenology
Brüdgam Michael IPP Nonlineare Effects of Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities in Tokamaks
Bugarski Sven E19 Untersuchung der Adsorptions- und Katalyseeigenschaften der Horseradish-Peroxidase auf Au(111)
Coppi Chiara E15 Quenching-Factor Measurements for Cryogenic Dark Matter Detectors
Cvitkovic Antonija MPBC Substrate-Enhanced Scattering-Type Scanning Near-Field Infrared Microscopy of Nanoparticles
Daoutidis Ioannis T30 Relativistic Continuum Random Phase Approximation in Spherical Nuclei
Di Zhenyu E13 Structural changes in lamellar diblock copolymer thin films during solvent vapor treatment
Duling Björn T31 The Custodially protected Randall-Sundrum Model: Global Features and Distinct Flavor Signatures
Eckholt Perotti Maria Gracia MPQ Strong correlation effects with atoms in optical lattices
Eiglsperger Johannes T30 Highly doubly excited states of two-electron atoms: spectra, cross sections and localization properties
Fischer Sebastian T37 Polyelectrolytes in Electric Fields
Fischer Martin E11 Untersuchung der Ladungstrennung in wässrigen Elektrolyten mit Zwei-und Drei-Impuls Femtosekunden-Spektroskopie
Friedrichs  Eike E14 Synthetische Transkriptionsnetzwerke
Gebhardt Johann Christof E22 Energielandschaften einzelner Proteine gemessen mit der optischen Pinzette
Geisler Michael E22 Single Molecule Sensors to Study Hydrophobic Phenomena
Gisslen  Linus T33 Influence of Frenkel Excitions and Charge Transfer States on the Spectroscopic Properties of Organic Molecular Crystals
Goßner Thomas Florian E23 Effizientes Design von Planar-Transformatoren
Göttfert Tobias MPP Background suppression for a top quark mass measurement in the lepton+jets t-tbar decay channel and Alignment of the ATLAS silicon detectors with cosmic rays
Goulet Julie T35 Information Processing in the Lateral Line System of Fish
Hahn-Woernle Florian MPP Full Boltzmann equations for leptogenesis
Handke Jörg E10 Einfluss einer Silberkontaktschicht auf das Belade- und Quenchverhalten von HTS- Bandleitern
Heiss Dominik WSI Spin Storage in Quantum Dot Ensembles and Single Quantum Dots
Hölzl Matthias IPP Diffusive Heat Transport across Magnetic Islands and Stochastic Layers in Tokamaks
Huff Patrick MPP The Detector Parameters Determining the Sensitivity of the CRESST-II Experiment
Isaila Christian E15 Development of Cryogenic Light Detectors with Neganov-Luke Amplification for the Dark Matter Experiments CRESST and EURECA
Jogler Tobias MPP Detailled study of the binary system LS I +61°303 in VHE gamma-rays with the MAGIC telescope
Junker Jan Philipp E22 Ligandenabhängige Gleichgewichtsfluktuationen einzelner Proteine
Jurkovic Martin E12 Spektroskopie virtueller Photonen in Ar+KCl Stößen bei Ekin=1,76 AGeV
Kaiser Steffen MPP Search for the Higgs Boson in the Process pp→ Hqq, H→ WW with the ATLAS Detector
Kath Matthias E23 Kernspindynamik in festem 3He bei ultratiefen Temperaturen
Kaune Gunar E13 Struktuierung von anorganisch-organischen Hybridsystemen für Anwendungen in der Photovoltaik
Kraus Christina MPQ A Quantum Information Perspective of Fermionic Quantum Many-Body Systems
Kromer Markus MPA Synthetic spectra and light curves of Type lA supernovae
Krühler Thomas MPE Advanced Photometric Studies of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows
Kubis Tillmann T33 Quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures
Kwon Youngshin T39 QCD sum rule studies at finite density and temperature
Lammel Andreas E27 Characterization, phase behavior and processing of silk proteins for controlled drug delivery
Lenz Daniel MPP Pulse Shapes and Surface Effects in Segmented Germanium Detectors
Mariantoni Matteo E23 New Trends in Superconducting Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: Two Amplifiers, Two Resonators, and Two Photons
Mayer  Jakob E21 High energy resolution and first time-dependent positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectroscopy
Miethe  Iljana E19 Spatio-temporal pattern formation during the anodic electrodissolution of silicon in ammonium fluride solution
Mirabella Edoardo MPP Electroweak contributions to SUSY particle production processes at the LHC
Motsch Michael MPQ Cold Guided Beams of Polar Molecules
Mühlbauer Sebastian E21 Vortex Lattices in Superconducting Niobium and Skyrmion Lattices in Chiral MnSi: An Investigation by Neutron Scattering
Nielsen (geb.Boger) Andrea E23 Magnetit- ein Material für die Spinelektronik
Pataraia Sophio MPP Studies on top quark pair production in pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS experiment
Perseguers Sebastien MPQ Entanglement and Distribution in Quantum Networks
Piegsa Florian E18 Neutron Spin Precession in Samples of Polarised Nuclei and Neutron Spin Phase Imaging
Piochacz  Christian E21 Generation of a high-brightness pulsed positron beam for the Munich scanning positron microscope
Pradler Josef MPP The long-lived stau as thermal relic
Punk Matthias T34 Many-particle physics with ultracold gases
Raab Patrick T30a Die Quantisierungsfunktion für attraktive, singuläre Potentialschwänze
Rammensee Sebastian E22 Assembly of Engineered Spider Silk in Microfluidic Devices and Free Surface Flow
Repper  Julia Nadine E13 Einfluss mikroskopischer Eigenspannungen auf die makroskopische Eigenspannungsanalyse mittels Neutronenbeugung
Rummel Stefan MPP Investigation of DEPFET as Vertex Detector at ILC - Intrinsic properties, radiation hardness and alternative readout schemes
Schlarb Michael E12 Simulation and Real-Time Analysis of Pulse Shapes from segmented HPGe-Detectors
Schwertel Sabine E12 Hochsegmentierte CVD Diamant Detektoren und hochauflösende Impulsmessungen in Knockout Reaktionen
Siccinio Mattia IPP Kinetic Investigations of Magnetic Islands in Tokamaks
Stangl Christian MPBC Raumzeitliche Abbildung neuronaler Feldpotentiale in akuten Hirnschnitten des Hippocampus mittels Multi-Transistor Arrays
Steinke Lucia E24 Magnetotransport of coupled quantum Hall edges in a bent quantum well
Thekedar Bhushan GSF Investigation on the use of breath gas analysis with Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) for a non-invasive method of early lung cancer detection
Trenkel Maike MPP Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Particle Production Processes at the LHC
Wang Weinan E13 Structure and kinetic of stimuli-responsive thin hydrogel films
Wiemhöfer Martin MPBC Kapazitive Stimulation von Epithel- und Hirngewebe mit oxidierten Siliziumchips
Zeitler Ralf MPBC Detektion von Spannungsfluktuationen in der Adhäsionsregion von Zellen mit Feldeffekttransistoren
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