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Promotions-Absolventen - Jahrgang 2009/2010
Name | Lehrstuhl | Thema |
Bauer Dominik | MPQ | Optical Control of a Magnetic Feshbach Resonance |
Bauswein Andreas | MPA | Relativistic simulations of compact mergers for nucleonic matter and strange quark matter |
Behrens Thomas | E12 | The Evolution of B(E2) Values Around the Doubly-Magic Nucleus 132 Sn |
Bertz Morten | E22 | Dissoziationsmechanik einzelner Proteinkomplexe |
Birkl Reiner | MPA | Stationary, Axisymmetric Neutron Stars with Meridional Circulation in General Relativity |
Bissaldi Elisabetta | MPE | High-Energy Emission from Bright Gamma-Ray Bursts using Fermi |
Blanke Monika | T31 | The custodially protected Randall-Sundrum model: theoretical aspects and flavour phenomenology |
Brüdgam Michael | IPP | Nonlineare Effects of Energetic Particle Driven Instabilities in Tokamaks |
Bugarski Sven | E19 | Untersuchung der Adsorptions- und Katalyseeigenschaften der Horseradish-Peroxidase auf Au(111) |
Coppi Chiara | E15 | Quenching-Factor Measurements for Cryogenic Dark Matter Detectors |
Cvitkovic Antonija | MPBC | Substrate-Enhanced Scattering-Type Scanning Near-Field Infrared Microscopy of Nanoparticles |
Daoutidis Ioannis | T30 | Relativistic Continuum Random Phase Approximation in Spherical Nuclei |
Di Zhenyu | E13 | Structural changes in lamellar diblock copolymer thin films during solvent vapor treatment |
Duling Björn | T31 | The Custodially protected Randall-Sundrum Model: Global Features and Distinct Flavor Signatures |
Eckholt Perotti Maria Gracia | MPQ | Strong correlation effects with atoms in optical lattices |
Eiglsperger Johannes | T30 | Highly doubly excited states of two-electron atoms: spectra, cross sections and localization properties |
Fischer Sebastian | T37 | Polyelectrolytes in Electric Fields |
Fischer Martin | E11 | Untersuchung der Ladungstrennung in wässrigen Elektrolyten mit Zwei-und Drei-Impuls Femtosekunden-Spektroskopie |
Friedrichs Eike | E14 | Synthetische Transkriptionsnetzwerke |
Gebhardt Johann Christof | E22 | Energielandschaften einzelner Proteine gemessen mit der optischen Pinzette |
Geisler Michael | E22 | Single Molecule Sensors to Study Hydrophobic Phenomena |
Gisslen Linus | T33 | Influence of Frenkel Excitions and Charge Transfer States on the Spectroscopic Properties of Organic Molecular Crystals |
Goßner Thomas Florian | E23 | Effizientes Design von Planar-Transformatoren |
Göttfert Tobias | MPP | Background suppression for a top quark mass measurement in the lepton+jets t-tbar decay channel and Alignment of the ATLAS silicon detectors with cosmic rays |
Goulet Julie | T35 | Information Processing in the Lateral Line System of Fish |
Hahn-Woernle Florian | MPP | Full Boltzmann equations for leptogenesis |
Handke Jörg | E10 | Einfluss einer Silberkontaktschicht auf das Belade- und Quenchverhalten von HTS- Bandleitern |
Heiss Dominik | WSI | Spin Storage in Quantum Dot Ensembles and Single Quantum Dots |
Hölzl Matthias | IPP | Diffusive Heat Transport across Magnetic Islands and Stochastic Layers in Tokamaks |
Huff Patrick | MPP | The Detector Parameters Determining the Sensitivity of the CRESST-II Experiment |
Isaila Christian | E15 | Development of Cryogenic Light Detectors with Neganov-Luke Amplification for the Dark Matter Experiments CRESST and EURECA |
Jogler Tobias | MPP | Detailled study of the binary system LS I +61°303 in VHE gamma-rays with the MAGIC telescope |
Junker Jan Philipp | E22 | Ligandenabhängige Gleichgewichtsfluktuationen einzelner Proteine |
Jurkovic Martin | E12 | Spektroskopie virtueller Photonen in Ar+KCl Stößen bei Ekin=1,76 AGeV |
Kaiser Steffen | MPP | Search for the Higgs Boson in the Process pp→ Hqq, H→ WW with the ATLAS Detector |
Kath Matthias | E23 | Kernspindynamik in festem 3He bei ultratiefen Temperaturen |
Kaune Gunar | E13 | Struktuierung von anorganisch-organischen Hybridsystemen für Anwendungen in der Photovoltaik |
Kraus Christina | MPQ | A Quantum Information Perspective of Fermionic Quantum Many-Body Systems |
Kromer Markus | MPA | Synthetic spectra and light curves of Type lA supernovae |
Krühler Thomas | MPE | Advanced Photometric Studies of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows |
Kubis Tillmann | T33 | Quantum transport in semiconductor nanostructures |
Kwon Youngshin | T39 | QCD sum rule studies at finite density and temperature |
Lammel Andreas | E27 | Characterization, phase behavior and processing of silk proteins for controlled drug delivery |
Lenz Daniel | MPP | Pulse Shapes and Surface Effects in Segmented Germanium Detectors |
Mariantoni Matteo | E23 | New Trends in Superconducting Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics: Two Amplifiers, Two Resonators, and Two Photons |
Mayer Jakob | E21 | High energy resolution and first time-dependent positron annihilation induced Auger electron spectroscopy |
Miethe Iljana | E19 | Spatio-temporal pattern formation during the anodic electrodissolution of silicon in ammonium fluride solution |
Mirabella Edoardo | MPP | Electroweak contributions to SUSY particle production processes at the LHC |
Motsch Michael | MPQ | Cold Guided Beams of Polar Molecules |
Mühlbauer Sebastian | E21 | Vortex Lattices in Superconducting Niobium and Skyrmion Lattices in Chiral MnSi: An Investigation by Neutron Scattering |
Nielsen (geb.Boger) Andrea | E23 | Magnetit- ein Material für die Spinelektronik |
Pataraia Sophio | MPP | Studies on top quark pair production in pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS experiment |
Perseguers Sebastien | MPQ | Entanglement and Distribution in Quantum Networks |
Piegsa Florian | E18 | Neutron Spin Precession in Samples of Polarised Nuclei and Neutron Spin Phase Imaging |
Piochacz Christian | E21 | Generation of a high-brightness pulsed positron beam for the Munich scanning positron microscope |
Pradler Josef | MPP | The long-lived stau as thermal relic |
Punk Matthias | T34 | Many-particle physics with ultracold gases |
Raab Patrick | T30a | Die Quantisierungsfunktion für attraktive, singuläre Potentialschwänze |
Rammensee Sebastian | E22 | Assembly of Engineered Spider Silk in Microfluidic Devices and Free Surface Flow |
Repper Julia Nadine | E13 | Einfluss mikroskopischer Eigenspannungen auf die makroskopische Eigenspannungsanalyse mittels Neutronenbeugung |
Rummel Stefan | MPP | Investigation of DEPFET as Vertex Detector at ILC - Intrinsic properties, radiation hardness and alternative readout schemes |
Schlarb Michael | E12 | Simulation and Real-Time Analysis of Pulse Shapes from segmented HPGe-Detectors |
Schwertel Sabine | E12 | Hochsegmentierte CVD Diamant Detektoren und hochauflösende Impulsmessungen in Knockout Reaktionen |
Siccinio Mattia | IPP | Kinetic Investigations of Magnetic Islands in Tokamaks |
Stangl Christian | MPBC | Raumzeitliche Abbildung neuronaler Feldpotentiale in akuten Hirnschnitten des Hippocampus mittels Multi-Transistor Arrays |
Steinke Lucia | E24 | Magnetotransport of coupled quantum Hall edges in a bent quantum well |
Thekedar Bhushan | GSF | Investigation on the use of breath gas analysis with Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) for a non-invasive method of early lung cancer detection |
Trenkel Maike | MPP | Phenomenology of Supersymmetric Particle Production Processes at the LHC |
Wang Weinan | E13 | Structure and kinetic of stimuli-responsive thin hydrogel films |
Wiemhöfer Martin | MPBC | Kapazitive Stimulation von Epithel- und Hirngewebe mit oxidierten Siliziumchips |
Zeitler Ralf | MPBC | Detektion von Spannungsfluktuationen in der Adhäsionsregion von Zellen mit Feldeffekttransistoren |