This website is no longer updated.

As of 1.10.2022, the Faculty of Physics has been merged into the TUM School of Natural Sciences with the website For more information read Conversion of Websites.

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Physics takes our mind
beyond imagination

Scientist for a day at TUMlab

What are
artificial materials
able to do?

Bild von Spinwellen in einem nanostrukturierten magnetischen Film

Is Complexity

Bild von elektronischen Quantenzuständen in einem zwei-dimensionalen supramolekularen Kagomé-Netzwerk

Where do we
come from?

Bild einer Schwerionenkollision am LHC

Improve Early
Diagnosis of
Breast Cancer
with Physics?

Munich Compact Light Source an der Munich School of Bioengineering (MSB). Photo: Andreas Heddergott (TUM).

Outreach @ TUM.PH

Scientist and an interested visitor at the open day

Research @ TUM.PH

aerial photograph of Physics Department and FRM II