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German as a Foreign Language A2.2 plus B1.1
Deutsch als Fremdsprache A2.2 plus B1.1

Course 220000DE03 in WS 2023/4

General Data

Course Type seminar
Semester Weekly Hours 6 SWS
Organisational Unit German as a Foreign Language
Lecturers Barbara Schimmack
Petra Schmid
Heide Stiebeler
Dates 80 dates in groups

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks In this module, knowledge of German as a foreign language is developed, taking into account intercultural, regional and study-related aspects, enabling students to communicate independently and confidently in the target language in familiar situations, e.g. in study, work, leisure and family, and on topics of general interest such as film, music, sport, etc., when standard language is used. Students develop a basic repertoire of sentence structures (causal sentence, temporal sentence, infinitive clause, final clause, consecutive clause, relative clause, etc.). They learn/practice grammatical concepts, such as the functions and uses of the subjunctive II and the passive voice. They review and complete elementary aspects of grammar such as the use of tenses and prepositions. They develop and use vocabulary and expressions on topics of general interest and familiar situations (e.g., study, leisure, work, family).Opportunities are identified to make the learning process more effective on their own initiative and thus improve their own ability to learn. Students practice team skills by acting cooperatively in multinationally mixed groups.
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry
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