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Fabrication and Charcterization of Quantum-LEDs
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Quanten-LEDs

Course 0000004141 in WS 2022/3

General Data

Course Type practical training
Semester Weekly Hours 6 SWS
Organisational Unit Associate Professorship of Quantum Electronics and Computer Engineering (Prof. Müller)
Lecturers Matteo Barbone
Kai Müller

Assignment to Modules

This course is not assigned to any module.

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks This practical training deals with the fabrication and characterization of quantum LEDs, a component that generates single photons on demand and which is essential for photonic quantum technologies. After a theoretical introduction to the topic, in a cleanroom the students will under supervision carry out all the micro-fabrication steps which are needed to fabricate a quantum LED based on III-V semiconductor quantum dots. Next, they will characterize the fabricated devices electrically (I-V curve) as well as optically using low temperature confocal luminescence microscopy. Finally, single-photon generation is proven through HBT-measurements.
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