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Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion

Course 0000000179 in WS 2020/1

General Data

Course Type lecture
Semester Weekly Hours 2 SWS
Organisational Unit Chair of Energy Systems (Prof. Spliethoff)
Lecturers Stephan Herrmann
Christopher Schifflechner
Hartmut Spliethoff
Elija Talebi
Dates Wed, 08:00–10:00
Fri, 14:00–18:00

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks This course covers the fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics, with a focus on energy systems. It introduces the basic concepts of thermodynamics and then expands to the application of thermodynamic principles to energy systems and their components. These include gas turbines, steam turbines, steam generators, fuel cells, combustion systems, heat exchangers and refrigeration systems. The concept of exergy, the maximum theoretical net work that can be derived from an amount of energy or an energy flow, is also introduced and applied to the aforementioned systems. Overall, the course should provide the fundamental knowledge for further lectures such as "Thermal Power Plants" and provide an overview of how thermodynamic principles can be applied for the analysis and design of energy systems.
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry
TUMonline registration

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

WS 2023/4 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Ohmstedt, S. Schifflechner, C. Shabannashtaei, P. Wed, 08:00–10:00, Interims I 101
WS 2022/3 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Schifflechner, C. Talebi, E. Wieland, C. Wed, 08:00–10:00, Interims I 101
WS 2021/2 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Herrmann, S. Schifflechner, C. Talebi, E. Wed, 08:00–10:00
Fri, 14:00–18:00
WS 2019/20 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Schifflechner, C. Talebi, E. Wed, 08:00–10:00, Interims I 101
Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
WS 2018/9 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Herrmann, S. Talebi, E. Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
WS 2017/8 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
WS 2016/7 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
WS 2015/6 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
and singular or moved dates
WS 2014/5 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
and singular or moved dates
WS 2013/4 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion Fri, 14:00–18:00, MW 1250
and singular or moved dates
WS 2012/3 Thermodynamics in Energy Conversion
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