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Marketing and Innovation Management (WIHN1129) MiM Heilbronn

Lehrveranstaltung 0000001277 im SS 2020


LV-Art Vorlesung
Umfang 4 SWS
betreuende Organisation Professur für Innovation (Lude komm.) (TUM Campus Heilbronn)
Termine 14 einzelne oder verschobene Termine

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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ergänzende Hinweise Market aspects of innovation: - Innovation: Examples and particularities, - Innovation and the development of industries, - Sources of innovation, - Innovation strategy: Analysis of the market, technology and competition, - Acquisition of technology: Market, cooperation and networks Organizing the innovation process: - The innovation process within the firm, - R&D, production and marketing, - Cooperation for innovation? - Motivation and incentive systems, - Promotors and champions, - Roles in the innovation process, - Opposition against innovation within the firm, - Integrating customers into the innovation process, - Measuring and controlling innovation. Marketing management: - Principles of marketing, - Marketing strategy and environment, - Creating customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty, - Information management and market research, - Analyzing consumer and business markets, - Competition and differentiation from competitors, - Segmenting, targeting, and positioning, - Creating and managing products and services, brand management, - Pricing, - Marketing communications, marketing channels, and service P's.
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