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Computational Physiology for Medical Image Computing (IN2319)

Course IN23190000 in SS 2020

General Data

Course Type lecture with integrated exercises
Semester Weekly Hours 4 SWS
Organisational Unit Informatics 16 - Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (Prof. Navab)
Lecturers Björn Menze
Markus Kowarschik
Kuangyu Shi
Dates Thu, 09:00–12:00, MIBE E.126

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks 1) Physiological imaging: Computational models for extracting local physiological information from imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance, computed tomography, or positron emission topography (e.g., MR and PET models for blood flow, metabolism, tissue microstructure) 2) Organ models: Computational models describing anatomy and function at the organ level as well as its variation across the population (e.g., 3D and 4D population atlases describing structure and shape) 3) Disease and diagnostics: Computational models describing pathophysiological processes and the progression of diseases (functional models from biophysics and theoretical biology, empirical models for clinical decisions)
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

SS 2018 Computational Physiology for Medical Image Computing (IN2319) Menze, B.
Assistants: Kowarschik, M.Shi, K.
Thu, 09:00–12:00, MIBE E.126
SS 2017 Computational Physiology for Medical Image Computing (IN2319) Menze, B.
Assistants: Kowarschik, M.Shi, K.
Thu, 09:00–12:00, MIBE E.126
SS 2016 Computational Physiology for Medical Image Computing (IN2319) Wed, 14:00–17:30, MI 03.09.012
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