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Exercise to Quantum Information

Course 0000004000 in WS 2019/20

General Data

Course Type exercise
Semester Weekly Hours 1 SWS
Organisational Unit Physics Department
Lecturers Norbert Schuch
Dates 14 dates in groups

Assignment to Modules

  • PH2237: Quanteninformation / Quantum Information
    This module is included in the following catalogs:
    • Specific catalogue of special courses for condensed matter physics
    • Complementary catalogue of special courses for nuclear, particle, and astrophysics
    • Complementary catalogue of special courses for Biophysics
    • Complementary catalogue of special courses for Applied and Engineering Physics
    • Specialization Modules in Elite-Master Program Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (TMP)

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks Quantum Information is concerned with the study of quantum mechanics from the point of view of information theory, as well as with the use of quantum mechanical systems for the purpose of information processing and computation. On the one hand, this includes quantum information theory, with topics such as quantum teleportation, the transmission of information through quantum channels, quantum cryptography, and the quantification of quantum entanglement as a resource for the aforementioned tasks. On the other hand, it involves quantum computation, i.e., computation based on the laws of quantum mechanics, covering topics such as quantum algorithms, quantum error correction, and the physical realization of quantum computers. This lecture will provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of Quantum Information. Planned topics include * States, evolution, and measurement * Quantum entanglement * Quantum channels * Quantum cryptography * Quantum computation and quantum algorithms * Quantum error correction * Implementations of quantum information processing More information on the lecture (including lecture notes, exercises, annoncements, etc.) can be found at
Links Course documents
Additional information
TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

WS 2018/9 Exercise to Quantum Information Schuch, N. dates in groups
WS 2017/8 Exercise to Quantum Information Schuch, N.
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