Swedish B 1
Schwedisch B1
Course 220000SE11 in SS 2019
General Data
Course Type | seminar |
Semester Weekly Hours | 2 SWS |
Organisational Unit | Swedish |
Lecturers |
Christina Thunstedt |
Dates |
13 dates in groups |
Assignment to Modules
SZ1003: Schwedisch B1 / Swedish B1
This module is included in the following catalogs:- Catalogue of language courses as soft-skill courses
Further Information
Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.
additional remarks | In diesem LV werden Kenntnisse der Fremdsprache Schwedisch erarbeitet, die es den Studierenden ermöglichen, sich in vertrauten Situationen und zu Themen von allgemeinem Interesse selbständig in der Zielsprache zu äußern, wenn Standardsprache verwendet wird. Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten (Vokabular, Redewendungen, Dialogmuster etc.) zu den genannten Bereichen, ergänzen das Repertoire an Nebensätzen. Wir wiederholen / intensivieren und ergänzen elementare Aspekte der Grammatik wie die Präpositionen und Konjunktionen, die Vergangenheitsform, die Adjektive (Komparation) und Adverbien und komplettieren mit dem Gebrauch von Deponentien (Verben mit „s-Endung“); Passiv mit –s sowie Passiv mit Perfekt Partizip; Wortfolge in komplexeren Satzmustern. |
Links |
E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle) TUMonline entry |
Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)
Semester | Title | Lecturers | Dates |
WS 2023/4 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. Matyas, E. | dates in groups |
SS 2023 | Swedish B 1 | Matyas, E. Thunstedt, C. | dates in groups |
WS 2022/3 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. Noreen-Thönebe, J. | dates in groups |
SS 2022 | Swedish B 1 | Matyas, E. Noreen-Thönebe, J. | dates in groups |
WS 2021/2 | Swedish B 1 | Matyas, E. Thunstedt, C. | dates in groups |
SS 2021 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. Matyas, E. | dates in groups |
WS 2020/1 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. Matyas, E. | dates in groups |
SS 2020 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. | dates in groups |
WS 2019/20 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. | dates in groups |
WS 2018/9 | Swedish B 1 | Dai Javad, P. | dates in groups |
SS 2018 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
WS 2017/8 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
SS 2017 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
WS 2016/7 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
SS 2016 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
WS 2015/6 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
SS 2015 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups | |
WS 2014/5 | Swedish B 1 | dates in groups |