Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2
Einführung in die Geologie und Gesteinskunde, Teil 2
Course 0000001884 in WS 2018/9
General Data
Course Type | lecture |
Semester Weekly Hours | 1 SWS |
Organisational Unit | Chair of Soil Science (Prof. Kögel-Knabner) |
Lecturers |
Jörg Prietzel |
Dates |
Thu, 10:15–13:00, 114 and 3 singular or moved dates |
Assignment to Modules
WZ2051: Einführung in die Geologie und Gesteinskunde / Introduction to Geology and Petrology
This module is included in the following catalogs:- Catalogue of non-physics elective courses
WZ6318: Geologische Grundlagen der Naturräume Bayerns / Geological Fundamentals of Bavarian Landscapes
This module is included in the following catalogs:- Catalogue of non-physics elective courses
Further Information
Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.
additional remarks | Geologische Einheiten Süddeutschlands (Bildung, typische Merkmale): Grundgebirge, Deckgebirge, Rheingraben, Mesozoische Schichtstufenlandschaft, Molassebecken, Süddeutsches Pleistozän, Bayerische Alpen. |
Links |
E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle) TUMonline entry |
Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)
Semester | Title | Lecturers | Dates |
WS 2023/4 | Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2 | Prietzel, J. |
Thu, 10:15–13:00, 114 |
WS 2022/3 | Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2 | Prietzel, J. |
Thu, 10:15–13:00, 114 and singular or moved dates |
WS 2021/2 | Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2 | Prietzel, J. |
Thu, 10:15–13:00, 114 |
WS 2019/20 | Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2 | Prietzel, J. |
Thu, 10:15–13:00, 114 |
WS 2017/8 | Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2 |
Thu, 10:15–13:00, 114 |
WS 2016/7 | Introduction to geology and petrology - Part 2 |
singular or moved dates |