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Italian A 1.2

Course 220000IT11 in WS 2018/9

General Data

Course Type seminar
Semester Weekly Hours 2 SWS
Organisational Unit Italian
Lecturers Luciana Alfieri
Debora Mainardi
Laura Perfetti Braun
Dates 42 dates in groups

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks In this course, students gain basic knowledge of Italian as a foreign language, enabling them to successfully manage basic everyday situations, for example, at the bank, in administrative offices, in stores, etc. Additionally, opportunities will be made available to effectively organize the process of learning Italian as a foreign language. Students learn/practice "communicative functions": to ask for and give directions; ask the date and time; to express their opinions; to describe a place; to talk about their day-to-day activities in the present and perfect tenses using simple sentences. They learn basic vocabulary concerning daily life, job and hobbies. Grammar: compound prepositions; prepositions used with the verbs essere/andare; stressed and unstressed object pronouns; demonstrative pronouns questo/quello; indefinite pronouns molto, tanto, parecchio, poco; possessive pronouns; gerund (stare + gerundio); reflexive verbs; indicative perfect (only regular participles); ordinal numbers.
Links E-Learning course (e. g. Moodle)
TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

SS 2024 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Bonomini, F. Mainardi, D. Togni, M. Villadei, M. dates in groups
WS 2023/4 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Bonomini, F. Mainardi, D. Togni, M. Villadei, M. dates in groups
SS 2023 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Bonomini, F. Soares da Silva, D. Togni, M. Villadei, M. dates in groups
WS 2022/3 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Bonomini, F. Mainardi, D. Togni, M. Villadei, M. dates in groups
SS 2022 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Bonomini, F. Mainardi, D. Taddia, E. Togni, M. dates in groups
WS 2021/2 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Aquaro, M. Mainardi, D. dates in groups
SS 2021 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Aquaro, M. Mainardi, D. Villadei, M. dates in groups
WS 2020/1 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Aquaro, M. Mainardi, D. Villadei, M. dates in groups
SS 2020 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Aquaro, M. Mainardi, D. Villadei, M. dates in groups
WS 2019/20 Italian A 1.2 Alfieri, L. Aquaro, M. Mainardi, D. Perfetti Braun, L. dates in groups
SS 2019 Italian A 1.2 Mainardi, D. dates in groups
SS 2018 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
WS 2017/8 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
SS 2017 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
WS 2016/7 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
SS 2016 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
WS 2015/6 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
SS 2015 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
WS 2014/5 Italian A 1.2 dates in groups
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