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Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online)

Course 220000ES41 in SS 2018

General Data

Course Type seminar
Semester Weekly Hours 2 SWS
Organisational Unit Spanish
Dates 3 dates in groups

Assignment to Modules

Further Information

Courses are together with exams the building blocks for modules. Please keep in mind that information on the contents, learning outcomes and, especially examination conditions are given on the module level only – see section "Assignment to Modules" above.

additional remarks In dieser LV können die Studierenden eine Lizenz für eine zwölfmonatige Nutzung eines Online Kurses erwerben (kostenlos). Die Studierenden arbeiten selbständig mit der "Aula Virtual de Español AVE", einer Online-Plattform, die vom Instituto Cervantes entwickelt worden ist und verschiedene Übungsformen bietet. Sie werden durch einen/eine Tutor/Tutorin (die Dozentin) online betreut. Die Studierenden lernen: - sich auf Spanisch in verschiedenen Situationen angemessen verständlich zu machen - die spanische Sprache in all ihren Aspekten: Grammatik, Vokabular, Phonetik, Orthographie zu kennen - die sozial-kulturelle Realität der Spanisch sprachigen Welt kennen und ihre Vielfalt entdecken Mehr Information über AVE unter
Links TUMonline entry

Equivalent Courses (e. g. in other semesters)

SS 2024 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2023/4 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
SS 2023 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2022/3 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
SS 2022 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2021/2 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
SS 2021 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2020/1 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
SS 2020 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2019/20 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
SS 2019 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2018/9 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) Gomez Cabornero, S. dates in groups
WS 2017/8 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
SS 2017 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
WS 2016/7 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
SS 2016 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
WS 2015/6 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
SS 2015 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
WS 2014/5 Spanish A1and A2 AVE (online) dates in groups
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