Data Book Collection
As knowledge base for repairing older devices and as reference a huge library of data books for many component manufacturers is available. These books are not available in the internet anymore or hidden behind payment walls.
- Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
- Analog Devices (AD)
- Analogic
- Astronic
- Burr-Brown (BB)
- Cypress Semiconductors (CY)
- Dallas Semiconductor (DS)
- Datel
- élantec
- Exar
- Fairchild
- General Instruments
- Harris Semiconductors (HS)
- Hewlett-Packard (HP)
- Hitachi
- Honeywell
- Integrated Device Technology (idt)
- Intersil
- International Recitifier (IOR)
- International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT)
- Japan Radio Co, Ltd. (JRC)
- Lattice Semiconductors
- Linear Technologies (LT)
- Liteon
- Maxim (MAX)
- Micrel
- Micro Power Systems
- Motorola Semiconductors
- National Semiconductors
- Nippon Electronic Company (NEC)
- Oki
- ON Semiconductors
- Optek
- Philips
- Quality Semiconductors
- Raytheon
- SGS Thompson (ST)
- Siemens
- Siliconix
- Sipex
- Sprague
- Supertex
- Teledyne
- Telefunken
- Temic
- Texas Instruments (ti)
- Unitrode
- Valvo
- Xilinx (XC)
- Zetex
Besides these comprehensive databooks we have also some general comparison tables for transistors and ICs available.