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Observational Cosmology

Prof. Sherry Suyu

Research Field

Through spectacular gravitational lensing effects, our group is shedding light on the dark cosmos: dark energy, dark matter and supermassive black holes.


James-Franck-Str. 1/I
85748 Garching b. München
+49 89 30000 2015

Members of the Research Group




Other Staff


Course with Participations of Group Members

Titel und Modulzuordnung
Gravitational Lensing
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
VO 2 Suyu, S. Mo, 10:00–12:00, PH II 227
Exercise to Gravitational Lensing
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
UE 2
Leitung/Koordination: Suyu, S.
Termine in Gruppen
Gravitational Lensing Seminar
Zuordnung zu Modulen:
SE 1 Suyu, S. Mo, 14:30–15:30
Tutorenseminar zu Gravitationslinseneffekt
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist keinem Modul zugeordnet.
SE 2 Suyu, S.

Current and Finished Theses in the Group

Investigating Non-Gaussianities in Large Scale Structure Simulations
Abschlussarbeit im Masterstudiengang Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics)
Themensteller(in): Sherry Suyu
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