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International Year of Light and light-based Technologies 2015

International Year of Light 2015
The United Nations proclaimed the “International Year of Light 2015”.

TUM contributes an interdisciplinary program to the “International Year of Light”. It starts with two highlight talks at the Deutsche Museum, presented by Prof. Alexander Holleitner and Prof. Franz Pfeiffer and continues throughout the year.

Photomontage of the sun and a photomultiplier light detector
The photomontage shows our arguably most important source of light, the sun, and a very sensitive device for the measurement of light: the Borexino detector. Borexino is an experiment that registers light emitted from neutrinos that are produced at the energy conversion in the sun.

What is the "International year of light"?

The general assembly of the UN proclaimed 2015 as the “International year of light and light-based technologies”.

The year of light is intended to recognize “the importance of light and light-based technologies in the lives of the citizens of the world and for the future development of global society on many levels, stressing that enhanced global awareness of and increased education in the science and technologies of light are vital for addressing challenges such as sustainable development, energy and community health, as well as for improving the quality of life in both developed and developing countries.”

Who organizes the "International year of light"?

UNESCO is the global organzier of the “year of light”. In Germany the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) coordinates the activities. TUM contributes an interdisciplinary program throughout the year

Why 2015?

200, 150, 100 and 50 years ago, there were important scientific discoveries regarding light:

Fresnel describes the wave nature of light.
Maxwell’s equations form the electromagnetic foundation of optics.
Einstein’s general theory of relativity connects light with the structure of spacetime.
Penzias and Wilson discover the cosmic microwave background, an electromagnetic echo from the big bang.

Event program for the “Year of light”

We offer an interesting, interdisciplinary program for the Year of ligth. The schedule lists events in the area of Munich / Garching.

A flyer (in German) for download and printing:
folder-jahr-des-lichts-muc.pdf (PDF, 702 KB).

The events are aimed at the general public. Therefore most events are conducted in German, requiring some knowledge of the language. An Enlish program is available on the pages of UNESCO.

Date Event Organizer/Location
year-round Guided tours of the Cosmology Exhibition at the Deutsches Museum Reservations: Exzellenzcluster Universe, Deutsches Museum
From 01.03.2015 Demonstrations of the Planetarium Deutsches Museum
Mon, 02.03.2015 TUM-Physik, Deutsches Museum
Wed, 18.03.2015 TUM-Physik, Deutsches Museum
Mon, 23.03.2015 Kunst und Wissenschaft: Stein – Glas – Licht Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Hansastr. 27c
Thu, 26.03.2015 Farben und Frequenzen – Jahresveranstaltung 2015 Fraunhofer EMFT, Hansastr. 27d
07. – 12.04.2015 MPI für Quantenoptik, Garching
24.04. – 26.04.2015 39. Edgar-Lüscher-Seminar “Laser- und Quantenphysik” (Teacher training) TUM-Physik, Gymnasium Zwiesel
Mon, 04.05.2015 Das All im Wandel – Wandel im All Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Hofgartenstr. 8
Mon, Tue, 04. – 05.05.2015 Vorträge/Shows für Schulklassen, aufblasbares Planetarium, Abendvortrag für Studierende Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Generalverwaltung
Mon, 10.06.2015 Mikroskopie in die 4. Dimension – oder wie kommen wir Elektronen auf die Schliche Max-Planck-Haus am Hofgarten, Hofgartenstr. 8
17.06. – 21.08.2015 Die Gesichter des Lichts (Exhibition), Exzellenzcluster Munich-Centre for Advanced Photonics / U-Bahn Garching
22. – 25.06.2015 Laser – World of Photonics (Trade fair), Messe München
Sat, 27.06.2015 Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Long night of science) Campus Garching
Wed, 01.07.2015
Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Plischke
Stadtbücherei Garching, Bürgerplatz 11
Wed, 22.07.2015 Tag der Physik (Day of physics) TUM Physik-Department
Wed, 12.08.2015 Ferienaktion “Solarsonnenblumen” TUM Physik-Department
Wed, 09.12.2015, 15h
Prof. Dr. Rolf Heilmann
Die Farben des Himmels: blau, schwarz, weiß, rot, grün
Hochschule München, Lothstr. 34

The program is still developing and new items will be added. Further details will be anounced on this page in due course.

Please contact Dr. Johannes Wiedersich, if you plan events or would like to participate.

Where can I get further inforation?


Dr. Andreas Battenberg
Technische Universität München
Corporate Communications Center
Boltzmannstr. 17, Zi 301
85748 Garching
Tel.: 089 289 10510
Dr. Johannes Wiedersich
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Tel.: 089 289 14371
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