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Workshop series Teaching Monday for PhD students at the Physics Department

Together with ProLehre the Faculty Graduate Center Physics would like to invite you to the mini-workshop series Teaching Monday – combine your lunch break with information and discussions all about teaching!

We will start on Monday, the 14th November 2016 between 12 (noon) and 1 p.m. (Physik I (5101), Seminarraum PH 2271) with the topic: Teaching Monday I: Good Teaching

  • Good teaching means to enable students to learn. What do students require to learn effectively?
  • What can teachers do to facilitate learning?

We will certainly bring cookies and ginger bread along when we meet again on Monday, the 12th December 2016 between 12 (noon) and 1 p.m. for the topic: Teaching Monday II: (Inter-)Active Teaching & Learning

  • Why it is crucial for learning to be active – be it thinking for yourself/following the teachers thinking or creating/constructing/elaborating contents on your own?
  • How can teachers stimulate students in a tutorial or exercise to learn more actively?

For our third mini-workshop this term, on Monday, the 23rd of January 2016 between 12 (noon) and 1 p.m., we would like to choose the topic together with you – after Teaching Monday II. Potential topics are, e.g., “Course planning”, “Consulting thesis projects”, “Evaluation of student work”.

The workshops will offer insights given by us as well as opportunities for collaborative work and discussions.

The workshops will be free of charge, the credits (1 AE in “Teaching and Learning Concepts” for each mini-workshop) will of course be chargeable for your Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education of the Bavarian Universities and are accredited as transferable skill courses by the TUM Graduate school.

Of course, we would be happy if you chose to attend all the workshops, but as they will not build up on each other, you are free to only partake in specific workshops.

Please register for each workshop at the ProLehre homepage no later than one week ahead of the workshop of interest, which means before the 7th of November for the upcoming first Teaching Monday. The (pre-) registration is required as it facilitates our planning, in particular considering the course language. In case non-native German speaker will be present, the course will be held in English. Please send us an email ( if you registered and are a non-native German speaker preferring a course held in English!

We are looking forward to getting to know you in person. Naturally, we are always at your disposal concerning all your questions on teaching in general and the training courses on higher education provided by ProLehre.

Your ProLehre contact (persons) for the Department of Physics,
Christiane Marxhausen & Emil Ratko-Dehnert

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