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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Knolle

+49 89 289-53740
Page in TUMonline
Theory of Quantum Matter and Nanophysics
Job Title
Professorship on Theory of Quantum Matter and Nanophysics

Courses and Dates

Title and Module Assignment
Quantum Magnetism
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
VO 4 Knolle, J. Tue, 08:00–10:00, virtuell
Fri, 10:00–12:00, virtuell
Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulations
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
PS 2 Knap, M. Knolle, J. Pollmann, F. Mon, 10:00–12:00, PH 3343
and singular or moved dates
Theory of Quantum Matter
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
PS 2 Knap, M. Knolle, J. Pollmann, F. Mon, 10:00–12:00, virtuell
and singular or moved dates
Exercise to Quantum Magnetism
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Jin, H. Sim, G. Willsher, J.
Responsible/Coordination: Knolle, J.
FOPRA Experiment 33: Kitaev's Honeycomb Lattice Model: An Exactly Soluble Quantum Spin Liquid
course documents
Assigned to modules:
PR 2 Knolle, J.
Assisstants: Leeb, V.
Condensed Matter Theory Journal Club
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Knap, M. Knolle, J. Pollmann, F. Thu, 14:00–16:00, virtuell
Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Knap, M. Knolle, J. Pollmann, F. Wed, 14:00–16:00, virtuell
Condensed Matter Theory Blackboard Seminar
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Knap, M. Knolle, J. Pollmann, F. Mon, 14:00–16:00, virtuell
Seminar for Tutors in Quantum Magnetism
This course is not assigned to a module.
SE 2 Knolle, J.
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