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Tiny technologies with enormous impact

TEDxTUM talk on molecular machines

2018-09-14 – News from the Physics Department

The TEDx conference stands for short presentations that are attended online by millions of people worldwide. Since 2014, this format is also offered at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). TedxTUM is organized on a voluntary basis by students. The first presentations of this year’s event on “Tiny Superpowers” on 24 July are now available online. One of them is by Prof. Hendrik Dietz from our Physics Department.

Hendrik Dietz, Professor of Biomolecular Nanotechnology, during his TEDxTUM lecture.
Hendrik Dietz, Professor of Biomolecular Nanotechnology, during his TEDxTUM lecture. – Picture: Verena Braun

This year, TEDxTUM focused on particles that are not visible to the human eye but still can have a huge effect. For example in the form of molecular machines made of DNA, as Professor Hendrik Dietz and his team are investigating at TUM’s Laboratory for Biomolecular Nanotechnology. Inspired by nanomachines in nature, the physicists around Leibniz Prize winner Dietz are working on building entire machines and motors from DNA. In the future, these machines could be used to transport drugs to the desired location in the body. In his TEDxTUM talk “Molecular machines of the future”, Dietz described the current state of this research.

Watch the movie

Molecular machines of the future | Hendrik Dietz | TEDxTUMSalon (youtube)

Videos of all the TEDxTUM Talks are Available Online

More information

TEDxTUM 2018 at the Deutsches Museum
TEDxTUM 2018 took place at the Deutsches Museum and offered the public the opportunity to explore the nanotechnology exhibits there. – Picture: Jürgen Haas


Prof. Hendrik Dietz
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
Tel.: +49 89 289-11615
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