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Nichtlineare Dynamik
Nonlinear Dynamics

Prüfung MA3082 im WS 2016/7

Historische Termine

Zur Information finden Sie im folgenden vergangene Prüfungstermine, die zu dem oben genannten äquivalent sind.

Nichtlineare Dynamik: Grundlagen im WS 2019/20
Sa, 15.2.2020, 13:30 bis 14:30 102
Neuer Termin nach witterungsbedingter Absage. Raum: vorraussichtlich Interims HS 2 (5620.01.102) bis 15.1.2020 (Abmeldung bis 8.2.2020)
Nichtlineare Dynamik: Grundlagen im SS 2020
Mo, 21.9.2020, 9:00 bis 10:00 WDH - Einmalige Übungsleistung bis 20.7.2020 (Abmeldung bis 14.9.2020)
Nichtlineare Dynamik: Grundlagen im WS 2020/1
Do, 18.2.2021, 14:15 bis 15:15 5538.EG.002
Written electronic remote exam on site option; We ask that you read the information below carefully and register for the examination only if you intend to take it under the specified conditions https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/coronavirus/corona-teaching-exams/: You are not permitted to take part in the examination if you are subject to quarantine pursuant to the current Entry Quarantine Ordinance, if you have had contact with someone infected with COVID-19, or if you exhibit symptoms on the day of the examination. If you belong to a risk group and are thus subject to a severe progression of the illness, you are required to take the necessary measures for your own protection if you plan to take part in the examination, or to refrain from participating. The TUM Corona Crisis Task Force (krisenstab-coronavirus@tum.de) or your attending physician can advise you in this regard. bis 15.1.2021 (Abmeldung bis 11.2.2021)
Do, 8.4.2021, 11:30 bis 12:30 101
Written electronic remote exam on site option; We ask that you read the information below carefully and register for the examination only if you intend to take it under the specified conditions https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/coronavirus/corona-teaching-exams/: You are not permitted to take part in the examination if you are subject to quarantine pursuant to the current Entry Quarantine Ordinance, if you have had contact with someone infected with COVID-19, or if you exhibit symptoms on the day of the examination. If you belong to a risk group and are thus subject to a severe progression of the illness, you are required to take the necessary measures for your own protection if you plan to take part in the examination, or to refrain from participating. The TUM Corona Crisis Task Force (krisenstab-coronavirus@tum.de) or your attending physician can advise you in this regard. bis 22.3.2021 (Abmeldung bis 1.4.2021)
Nichtlineare Dynamik: Grundlagen im WS 2020/1
Do, 18.2.2021, 14:15 bis 15:15 Written electronic remote exam with video surveillance bis 15.1.2021 (Abmeldung bis 11.2.2021)
Do, 8.4.2021, 11:30 bis 12:30 Written electronic remote exam with video surveillance bis 22.3.2021 (Abmeldung bis 1.4.2021)
Nichtlineare Dynamik: Grundlagen im WS 2021/2
Di, 15.2.2022, 8:00 bis 9:00 Online schriftlich mit Zoom-Überwachung / written remote exam with video surveillance bis 1.2.2022 (Abmeldung bis 8.2.2022)
Mi, 13.4.2022, 17:00 bis 18:00 00.02.001
Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise unter https://www.tum.de/die-tum/aktuelles/coronavirus/corona-lehre-pruefungen/. // Please read the information at https://www.tum.de/en/about-tum/news/coronavirus/corona-teaching-exams/ carefully. bis 4.4.2022 (Abmeldung bis 6.4.2022)
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