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Master-Praktikum - Cloud Computing (IN2106, IN4207)
Master Practical Course - Cloud Compupting (IN2106, IN4207)

Lehrveranstaltung 0000003446 im WS 2016/7


LV-Art Praktikum
Umfang 6 SWS
betreuende Organisation Informatik 10 - Lehrstuhl für Rechnerarchitektur & Parallele Systeme (Prof. Schulz)
Dozent(inn)en Shajulin Benedict

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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Lehrveranstaltungen sind neben Prüfungen Bausteine von Modulen. Beachten Sie daher, dass Sie Informationen zu den Lehrinhalten und insbesondere zu Prüfungs- und Studienleistungen in der Regel nur auf Modulebene erhalten können (siehe Abschnitt "Zuordnung zu Modulen" oben).

ergänzende Hinweise The project that students will be initially engaged in the lab course is the development of a deployment engine for clouds - "Scalable and Dynamic Auto Configuration Engine for Cloud Environments". The implementation of the project could be divided into 3 major tasks: TASK 1: Identifying configuration parameters and software components, such as, spark, nosql database systems, and so forth. This task would also deal with the procedures for orchestrating pieces of software components on cloud environments such as Amazon, or GAE. TASK 2: In the scope of this task, students use containers technology to deploy their applications in the Cloud. In order to deploy the application in the Cloud, the lambda architecture framework should be used. TASK 3: Load balancers and scalability - In the scope of this task, students must try possibilities to scale their applications (applications must be updated accordingly to support the scalability, e.g. increasing the number of requests processed at the same time or increasing the number of records in data bases). Students must also try one of the existing load balancers and write simple load balancer themselves.
Links E-Learning-Kurs (z. B. Moodle)
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