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Creative Problem Solving (Develop new solutions systematically)
Creative Problem Solving (Develop new solutions systematically in a short space of time)

Lehrveranstaltung CVL0000063 im WS 2014/5


LV-Art Workshop
Umfang 0.5 SWS
betreuende Organisation Studiengangsbündel WTG
Termine 1 einzelner oder verschobener Termin

Zuordnung zu Modulen

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ergänzende Hinweise Participants will be introduced to the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process and its basic application. Goal After the training participants are capable of using a basic CPS process (as an approach for individuals and groups) and a variety of thinking tools associated with CPS. Thus they will be able to structure and speed up problem solving processes and develop new and creative solutions. Training benefits 1. You learn a process that helps you to find new solutions to problems in a systematic and effective way. 2. You experience and practice ready-to-use tools in order to think and act in a structured and results oriented way. 3. You practice the principles of creative thinking and the generation of ideas and learn how to integrate them into your daily life. Topics - Principles of creativity and creative thinking - Introduction to the Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process - Ground rules for divergent and convergent thinking - Experience and practice thinking tools to define and clarify the problem - Experience and practice thinking tools to generate ideas - Experience and practice thinking tools to select, evaluate and strengthen ideas Methods interactive lecture, individual work, work in small groups, work in a large group, feedback and discussion after each exercise
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