Experimental Physics 1 (MSE)
eLearning course course documents
Assigned to modules:
VO |
2 |
Holleitner, A.
Wed, 15:00–16:30, MW 2001
Seminar and Journal Club on Nanoscale Optoelectronics
Assigned to modules:
PS |
2 |
Holleitner, A.
Topological Quantum Materials
Assigned to modules:
PS |
2 |
Holleitner, A.
Assisstants: Kastl, C.
Wed, 13:30–15:00, ZNN 0.001
Exercise to Experimental Physics 1 (MSE)
course documents
Assigned to modules:
UE |
2 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
dates in groups
Graduation Ceremony
current information
Assigned to modules:
KO |
0.1 |
Holleitner, A.
Kienberger, R.
singular or moved dates
Job Perspectives for Physicists
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
WS |
0.1 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
singular or moved dates
FOPRA Experiment 107: Non-Classical Physics with Entangled Photons (AEP, KM, QST-EX)
course documents
Assigned to modules:
PR |
1 |
Maanwinder Partap Singh
Sigl, L.
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
FOPRA Experiment 37: Symmetries in Exfoliated 2D Quantum Materials (AEP, KM, QST-EX)
course documents
Assigned to modules:
PR |
1 |
Nisi, K.
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
Master's Seminar (QST)
Assigned to modules:
SE |
10 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
Master's Work Experience (QST)
Assigned to modules:
FO |
10 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
Presentation of the Master's Program Quantum Science and Technology
eLearning course
This course is not assigned to a module.
OV |
0.1 |
Block, K.
Holleitner, A.
von Delft, J.
singular or moved dates
Revision Course to Seminar and Journal Club on Nanoscale Optoelectronics
Assigned to modules:
RE |
2 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
Revision Course to Topological Quantum Materials
Assigned to modules:
RE |
2 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
This course is not assigned to a module.
SE |
2 |
Belkin, M.
Brandt, M.
Finley, J.
Holleitner, A.
Sharp, I. … (insgesamt 6)
Games Night of the Graduate Center at TUM School of Natural Sciences
This course is not assigned to a module.
KO |
0.5 |
Responsible/Coordination: Holleitner, A.
Thu, 18:30–22:00, PH 1121